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Everything posted by gigi-tastic

  1. So can we talk about how Micky's ex needs to get primary custody and she needs to get it yesterday? What kind of a person delights in a woman FLINGING her meal at someone else in a restaurant? Then does the same and has to be physically escorted out? Who likes that someone SINKS SOMEONE ELSE'S HOME? He blatantly says he's attracted to Elizabeth's "crazy". If anyone says they are attracted to your (perceived) mental illness? RUN. They should not be trusted. What kind of a father is delighted by a romantic interests mental instability? There's being quirky and a stereotypical Manic Pixie Dream Girl and there's beating up a violinist. This is of course not to say you can't love someone with mental health problems, I myself have severe anxiety and depression. I just think there's something deeply weird about reveling in Elizabeth's unstable behavior especially when he has a young child.
  2. So this movie was very upsetting to me. No other movie has given me so much anxiety. It was 90+ minutes of someone just gleefully destroying other people's things and lives. fun I personally believe this is similar to a Monsters Inc situation or more closely the Disney channel movie Don't Look Under The Bed scenario. So I do think Fred is his own being. He even mentioned being locked up and unable to move on. I can understand why Fred goes after the mom. She was seen as the advisory of Elizabeth's childhood, and to an extent is still. But Carrie Fisher? She was an innocent! And honestly Fred doesn't help Elizabeth, he actively hurts her. He physically hurts her multiple times and puts her in danger. Not only does her hurt her physically but in her relationships as well. He endangers her friendship with Carrie Fisher and by sinking the condo boat takes away the place she was staying so she has to go back home. At her date with Mickey( though I think he's a creep.) he tries to ruin that even though he hates Charles. He doesn't want her to move on with him because he finds him "girly". He should be encouraging her to get back out there and forget Charles. He then pretends to be the violinist even after Elizabeth has begged him to leave her alone. This causes her to break down and she assaults the violinist causing her to be detained by the mall cops and be put on medication. Drop Dead Fred has no real regard for her true happiness, he only cares for how he can have his sadistic twisted fun. He actively endangers her happiness and causes her greater distress. Having never seen this movie I thought he would be less about reveling in violence and more of a gleefully chaotic Loki esq archetype who would help her get in touch with her inner child and pull pranks on like a tough boss, her shit ex and her overbearing mother that kind of thing. Not drive her to the brink of madness.
  3. gigi-tastic

    HDTGM Classics

    Looks like I was wrong Rabbit is kicking people off but they have a new website coming that you can sign up for? Not sure if it's up yet though
  4. gigi-tastic

    Shameless Self-Promotion

    Yay the killer dog episode!!! Did not disappoint!!!! So what I know about American fox hunting based on a cozy mystery series I loved reading as a kid you don't kill the fox. You "run it to ground" . You're probably not even going to see a fox while you ride. The British fox hunting tradition is much different and I believe is the kind that kills ? Women also ride English saddle. Fox hunting is really more of a ridding and a social thing. The hunt breakfast is a *huge* thing. Even the people who don't go on the ride go to the breakfast. The area around where I live is very rural suburban if you can imagine such a thing. The tiny town next to me is known for its horses. I actually know someone whose grandfather started their hunt club and if I work with her at my book sale soon I can ask her to explain it to me in more detail. I know there are some hunt clubs that do this thing that lay a scent out for the dogs to find and don't bother with a fox at all. Jessica is wearing brown because she hasn't earned her "colors ". The men in red ( technically called" pinks") are men who have earned their colors from being good riders, following tradition, etc , The Master of The Hunt,The Hunstmen, and the other hunt officials. if you saw a guy in a black jacket he also is without his colors. Women wear black even if they have earned their colors because... Tradition.
  5. gigi-tastic

    HDTGM Classics

    So just wanted to say that a friend is still using rabbit and it's working well for her if that helps anyone.
  6. gigi-tastic

    Episode 218 - Deadfall (w/ Chelsea Peretti)

    While I agree with June that underwear should never be too baggy or too tight because it also makes me uncomfortable I guess science says baggier is better? Apparently tight underwear is bad for sperm count According to a study done by doctors at Harvard men who wore boxer shorts the most in a three month period had "25 per cent higher sperm concentration, 17 per cent higher total sperm count and 33 per cent more swimming sperm in a single ejaculate than men who wore other types of underwear." Apparently the only people who need to worry though are those already struggling with fertility. Also apparently it takes 3 months for sperm production to happen? I feel like once again the American public school system, and in particular it's Sex Ed courses, have let me down .
  7. gigi-tastic

    Shameless Self-Promotion

    I've only seen a handful a few years ago on my last visit with my paternal grandma. I clearly remember the episode we found was a two parter with Carol Burnett where they got locked in a bank safe and I remember I was shocked by his legs. Truly the man has the gams of a supermodel in her prime. Heidi Klum and her $2 million legs clearly learned everything from watching Magnum PI. How a pair of legs in Germany were watching tv and learning to be perfect I don't know but that's my theory.
  8. gigi-tastic

    Episode 217.5 - Minisode 217.5

    This is exactly my dilemma. Fuck killing people during the Purge I'm breaking into the zoo to play with the red pandas God damnit!
  9. gigi-tastic

    Musical Mondays Week 69 High Society

    I feel like it's implied he also cheated on her? Like her dad did to her mom? Which if so makes sense that she left his ancient ass Fun fact about All About Eve Celeste Holms HATED Bette Davis
  10. gigi-tastic

    Musical Mondays Week 69 High Society

    #TheDressThatGotAway we all have one
  11. gigi-tastic

    Musical Mondays Week 69 High Society

    Obviously that liver spot and Tracy grew together! And in a few years when Tracy turns 30 he's moving on to the next Lord . He already wrote her a creepy song and everything, and according to Caroline they are engaged.
  12. gigi-tastic

    Musical Mondays Week 69 High Society

    Mine is the swim dress cover-up I love the costumes on this movie, and the sets! The light green room from the opening where they were sorting presents? I want it exactly as is don't change a thing.
  13. gigi-tastic

    Musical Mondays Week 69 High Society

    I love Audrey Hepburn and I think my favorite movies are Charade and How To Steal A Million. Paris When It Sizzles just wasn't for me I think I if I'm remembering correctly?
  14. gigi-tastic

    Musical Mondays Week 69 High Society

    Yeah no The Philadelphia Story is by far the better movie. I'm lucky I saw this first because ooof. I think Grace Kelly is trying her hardest with what she's got. I love the but where she first meets the reporters. I genuinely laughed at the bitchy things she said.
  15. gigi-tastic

    Musical Mondays Week 69 High Society

    If I had a dollar for every time a man in this movie told Grace Kelly she was " Cold " and " not a real woman" because she was pissed her father has a mistress and has standards, I would have lots of money now.
  16. gigi-tastic

    Musical Mondays Week 69 High Society

    Fun fact time! As previously mentioned in the preview this was Grace Kelly's last movie before marrying Prince Rainier of Monaco. +They actually met because of movies, when Grace was the U.S delegate head for Cannes .) The STUNNING engagement ring she wore in the movie is her actual ring. The film's costume designer Helen Rose is the person responsible for her iconic wedding dress as well! Her wedding was the first media frenzy royal wedding and we wouldn't see anything like it until Diana and Charles. I know too much about this woman, and yet not nearly as much as I know about Audrey Hepburn.
  17. gigi-tastic

    Musical Mondays Week 69 High Society

    So the music is by the great Cole Porter. Did anyone else find that the style of music didn't feel like a Cole Porter song? I love his music and I don't know if the songs were written in the same time period or what but you can tell that Dream A Little Dream Of Me, Delovely, Your The Tops, Lets Do It( Lets Fall In Love), Love For Sale, and Night and Day are all by the same composer. Not that they sound alike exactly but there's... I don't know they have a flow to them? Maybe this is just his lesser work. I know that besides the opening, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire,and What A Swell Party( mostly because it was two greats together than the actual song) I was more interested in the speaking parts of this musical than the songs which was not a great sign. I did enjoy Samantha but that felt more like a song for radio than a musical because it was literally just a single refrain or two.
  18. gigi-tastic

    Musical Mondays Week 69 High Society

    So I'm starting to realize I might have gotten Bing confused with Fred Astaire in Funny Face. Which I also haven't seen in a while but he's in his late 50's while Audrey Hepburn is in her mid to late 20's. Maybe it was because I myself was much younger when I last saw them but it *felt* like they were both so much older than their costars. I still stand by the fact he was way too old for the part of Dexter though.
  19. gigi-tastic

    Musical Mondays Week 69 High Society

    Are you telling me you don't like when a movie literally tells you when it starts and ends?
  20. I also really loved Gone With The Wind at the same time period in my life as this movie ( the costume design is next level) and I actually own a 4 disc DVD set that now just sits there daring me to be insane enough to waste a day or three watching the whole thing. If you find yourself awake and done with a movie that has the good guys join the KKK ( truly GWTW is next level cuckoo bananas ) feel free to watch, if not no pressure!
  21. Welcome back! I hope you had a great time and if you're too tired it's ok to skip. I'm delightfully confounded by the Goofy porter statue from your trip.
  22. gigi-tastic

    Episode 217.5 - Minisode 217.5

    WFRR is really weird. I was shown it as a kid by a teacher because they thought it was a kids movie during day camp. That was an ....interesting... Day. Apparently a lot of people thought it was a kids movie which is CRAZY
  23. To get ready for the Chicago show I've been buying things once a month so it's not all at once. Like last month we got the tickets this month I think we're going to get the hotel and if we don't I'll be buying my train ticket, next month it's the hotel or train whichever we don't do this month. I have to check in with my friend and see which she wants to do this month. Your idea is really smart though!
  24. gigi-tastic

    Episode 217.5 - Minisode 217.5

    I'm right there with you. We're gonna end up like Buster on Arrested Development it will be worth it though to Touch The Thing!
  25. gigi-tastic

    Episode 217.5 - Minisode 217.5

    I didn't see you also recommended sending the clothes to a shelter. Smart!