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Everything posted by gigi-tastic

  1. If I was the brothers is be furious. If I was the cabin owner is be even angerier. That can't be good for the pipes
  2. I was starting to worry the way she was acting it was the only bathroom in the place which is madness given the size of the cabin. Why couldn't she go to another bathroom?
  3. What was Mario thinking calling his girlfriend instead of the police?! I know you don't want her to worry but call for help from professionals first THEN try her
  4. So I was half asleep near the end but did Mario's ex fiancee's own the place he was vice president at? Because I bet that's another reason he's starting whatever the fuck that company is (other than a blatant attempt to employ MJH). Exactly how in demand is this company going to be? Speaking of money why was MJH acting like Mario was Richie Rich and she was from a family of blue collar workers? Her parents are paying for her sister's law school tuition. Bitch you are solidly upper middle class! also your loft is giant and not shitty at all. You just need to get your stove fixed and buy a fucking microwave! ( what was she even going to do if it worked? She didn't have a pot of pan out just the Chinese food box. Was she going to put that on the stovetop?!)
  5. I need to know in why in the world Mario Lopez's girlfriend wouldn't kill him for proposing to her in a diner. Given her characterization she didn't seem like the diner type. If they had just added a line about that being the spot of their first date or something it might fix it. Also when did he call off their (what seemed like it was going to be) elaborate wedding. Like how close to the day are we talking? Because the closer to the wedding itself and the more I hate him because that's just rude. Think of that poor maid who's already suffered so much for this shitshow. You could have prevented that. And all the people working on it, the guests coming from out of town etc. I'm not saying he should have married her but he should have broke it off in a timely manner for everyone else at least. If not for himself.
  6. Knowing that they were wearing matching outfits brought me more joy and serotonin than Prozac ever has
  7. Right?! Also I get it's for movie purposes but even if someone told me that was how a person joked clearly he is UPSET. I would be worried about why this person was so upset over their joke. There a "she dragged me gere! I'm kidnapped haha " and the there's " PLEASE HELP ME THIS PSYCHOPATH HAS ABDUCTED ME! " . Even if I bought it was a joke I'd be weirded out by the anger and desperation. If he kept it up or cornered someone and was like " look I am Not Joking " maybe So they might have believed him? And she never told her siblings that lie. So their first impression is her boyfriend angrily calling her names to their faces. Which they find not only acceptable but the brother seems to think is hilarious. Sorry I personally don't like people who mock and degrade their significant other and if I was her sibling I would think this guy was crazy and a dirtbag for straight up calling her names when meeting me for the first time. I might honestly worry she was in an emotionally abusive relationship but then again this family is awful. This movie did teach me that if I'm ever kidnapped and my captors try to make it seen like I'm supposed to be with them I'm going to just flat out cry. Like sobbing can't breath snotfaced cry. Good luck convincing people I'm ok if I'm sobbing like a baby. Honestly he should have broken down crying and that would have shut this shit down quick. People are very uncomfortable with tears and I bet because of our society 's fucked up toxic masculinity seeing a sobbing Mario Lopez would have really thrown that family for a loop.
  8. I don't think that actual duche Nick would have waited MONTHS to have sex with MJH. I also don't think that MJH would wait months to have sex with her boyfriend. So if he broke up with her because they had finally had sex why would he have stuck around so long if that's all he wants? She says that they've been dating for a few months so it seems like a good idea to bring him home. He's a giant prick and I can only imagine that he's just constantly hounding her for sex during their relationship. That sounds awful!
  9. I would PAY to listen to the bizarre world of Paul's childhood. They could have psychologists on to try to figure... Whatever is going on there. I'm fascinated by how Paul turned out somewhat normal.
  10. I haven't listened yet I just saw that Jessica St. Clair was the guest and exclaimed" Awww yeah! They brought out the big guns they brought back St. Clair!!! " my cats looked at me like I'm as crazy as Melissa Joan Hart in this monstrosity. Which... Rude. Though the fact that I worry about my cats approval so maybe?
  11. gigi-tastic

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    Yet we have fuckers like David O Russell throwing tantrums on set and attacking actors and crew members. But sure crying in private makes you difficult!
  12. gigi-tastic

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    I forgot to mention that for some unknown reason my landlords have what can only be described as a Holiday Poodle up in their insane holiday display. It's facing my balcony so it's not a part of the main insanity which includes a peacock and a family of cartoon Christmas pigs. It does sit next to a deer and another peacock though. Because heaven forbid we only have ONE light up peacock!!!! I don't even know where you would get a Holiday Poodle.
  13. one thing in actually glad about in this version is that they give the stepmother a song because it's BERNADETTE PETERS FOR CHRIST SAKE! She HAS to sing! I just wish it wasn't the song they chose which is from a completely different musical. I feel like it doesn't fit into this one as well. I wish I'd they were picking new material they had gotten a different song? It's ok but it could have been better.
  14. gigi-tastic

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    I agree. She made a comment about not getting to do a lot of projects she wanted in the article but seeing what she did do I don't know how much of that was what she could get and/or her taste level? I've only seen Thirteen and Twilight so I'm not really sure how to judge her work. I will admit Twilight is very .... Pretty? Like I know nothing about directing but it seemed well shot? I don't know how much of that I'm attributing to the northwest or wherever they shot being my ideal weather all nice and fall like. Not a sunburn to be seen or a heatwave to worry about. Just perfect book reading weather and a delightful forest from what I vaguely remember. I mostly remember a nice temperate forest and some teen angst . But mostly the forest.
  15. gigi-tastic

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    Her mother was AWFUL. Both parents were. Honestly I was team Grandma trying to flee as soon as she could. we need to get into pervy gas man!
  16. gigi-tastic

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    What the fuck did I just watch? I can't WAIT to talk about this movie!
  17. gigi-tastic

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    On the topic of the Twilight movies the director of the first one really got fucked over apparently. I encourage everyone to read this article by The Daily Beast : https://www.thedailybeast.com/catherine-hardwicke-broke-records-with-twilight-then-hollywood-labeled-her-difficult Basically Catherine Hardwicke worked her ass off trying to make this source material not suck . For example she fought with the author to have diversity in the cast : " But Meyer, who was raised Mormon in Phoenix, Arizona, “had not really written it that way,” Hardwicke says. “So she probably just didn’t see the world that way. And I was like oh my God, I want the vampires, I want them all—Alice, I wanted her to be Japanese! I had all these ideas. And she just could not accept the Cullens to be more diverse, because she had really seen them in her mind, she knew who each character was representing in a way, a personal friend or a relative or something.” She says Meyer pointed to her books’ description of the vampires: “She said, I wrote that they had this pale glistening skin!” " In the end she convinced her to let one of the evil vampires be a black actor they were looking at. Then there's the fact she was the first woman to ever direct a movie this big. Apparently when movies do well directors often get gifts. Catherine's gift? A fucking mini cupcake. " When I went in I saw that there were massive bouquets and balloons and bottles of wine, and crazy gifts sent to them by all the distributors around the world or whoever, all their friends,” she recalls. “So I actually had it in my mind, wow, this is a pretty unprecedented success. I had heard these rumors that when a director does something like this they give them a car, they give them a two-picture deal or something like that. They give them an office and ask them what they want to do after this.” Hardwicke pauses. “And then I got a mini cupcake that day. I was like oh, OK, cool—coming in here, I’m sort of working for free, doing this online stuff, and that was what I was offered: a mini cupcake.” This women's other film Thirteen was nominated for a fucking Oscar not to mention the crazy money she just got you! And she gets a mini cupcake?!? Even worse she was taken off the sequel New Moon and then basically labeled the deadly "difficult". I may not like Twilight but I feel terrible for how Catherine Hardwicke was treated. She deserved so much better.
  18. Ok I awwwed out loud. I guess I'm not as cold and cynical as I wish I were. I guess I just always wondered what the rest of Cinderella 's life is like with the Prince because they really don't know much about each other.
  19. I think there's a version her mom is like... A tree that gives her gifts ? Like it's a tree on her mom's grave. Not a random gift giving tree.
  20. Ever After was a childhood favorite of mine. I don't know if , like @taylorannephoto says it holds up as well today but it's still pretty pleasant to watch. My biggest issues are all historical inaccuracies mostly involving Leonardo Da Vinci who is in this for... Reasons. Also Drew Barrymore has a weird wanna be British accent that I never noticed until recently and now can't stop noticing. Still I love it and her look at the ball is EVERYTHING. Plus if anyone is going to amy evil stepmother (besides Jennifer Coolidge aka the ONLY reason to watch A Cinderella Story) I want it to be Angelica Huston!
  21. So apparently Whoopi convinced Harry Winston to lend them millions of dollars worth of jewelry for her character to wear. Work Whoopi!
  22. In some versions one chips off her toes and the other her heel. Then if I recall birds sing to take Prince to look at her feet because the shoes full of blood now. I know in some versions at the end birds peck out the eyes of the stepmother and step sister. Personally I don't know how I feel about that and it circles around to how I feel about this story. I'm not sure if it's fair to be so horrible to the stepsisters. This is clearly a household of abuse.sometimes people in those situations do what they can to survive. Being kind to Cinderella is probably not going to be looked on very favorably. Also this is literally all they know. They have been living with their mother all their lives. clearly she is a warped person. And it's always bothered me that the "bad" sisters are the "ugly" ones. As someone who's grown up fat my whole life I know how it feels to have to societal stigma of being "ugly" ( I don't think I'm ugly. But it must be acknowledged that being thin is the ideal in our society) I could very easily see how the stepmother could prey on her daughter's by constantly pointing out imperfections and with Cinderella lacking those issues that could lead to even more fucked up be a and resentment. Since they were never taught to treat people with kindness and it's expected that they mistreat her they might double down and suddenly years have passed and it's as easy to be cruel to her as to breathe. It's not right but I can understand how it happened. As for the story I agree. It's just so frustrating to me! Unless Cinderella is wearing a FULL face mask ( no domino eye mask bullshit here) the Prince should have a vague idea what she looks like. Honesty if I was Cinderella I would be INSULTED that he couldn't get at least some of my features right! If this is supposed to be true love at first sight then YOU BETTER FUCKING KNOW WHAT I LOOK LIKE BUDDY!! At least a general idea. I'd be fine if they were to put in a line that for political reasons does to not offend the nobles every woman from the ball has to try it on or something. speaking of I really don't like this story because of the love at first sight I think. I love Beauty and the Beast stories because they get to know each other. Here they meet for a few hours and that's it! You can't find out if you really like someone in that length of time much less that they are the love of your life!
  23. gigi-tastic

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    I love you for that Legally Blonde reference!
  24. gigi-tastic

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    I think I just came up with either a very stupid or utterly brilliant idea for a new show. Not sure about much but I know it's called 'Baby Cakes' ( or Patty Cakes if we can get a co-host named Patty/ Patti) and it involves Jason holding a baby and eating/ rating cake with Nicole. Perhaps one of the the co-hosts is a baby named Patty? Maybe we get Patti Labelle to sell her pies? I don't know I just want Nicole and Jason to interact with a baby while blitzed out of their minds on sugar.