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Amy the Gorilla

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Everything posted by Amy the Gorilla

  1. Amy the Gorilla

    Flyin' Ryan (2003)

    Yes, please! [YOUTUBE] [/YOUTUBE]
  2. Amy the Gorilla

    A Magic Puppy (2012)

    It's on Netflix, and probably ONLY on Netflix. HOLY HELL is this movie bad, and at some points, hilariously so. This is what happens when someone tries to make a kids movie but has no clue how to make movies. There's a really hilarious, although slightly headache inducing, scene where Eric Roberts is suppose to be talking to his son in the back yard through a sliding door, but the kid's scene was at night, and I guess Eric had better things to do, so they filmed his side during the day, but did and awful (AWFUL HOLY SHIT SEARING MY EYES WITH BLUE bad) "day for night" filter. He also doesn't ever open the door so he's talking to a plate glass window. Admittedly I couldn't finish it. I was watching it with my mom one weekend, and I got angry at the movie and stormed out. She had to recap how it ended.
  3. Amy the Gorilla

    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    I don't know if any of you guys are aware of these guys, their humor tends to run on the weird and aggressively sarcastic side. "Batman v Superman was a film." "Barely." [YOUTUBE] [/YOUTUBE] (long video warning)
  4. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    I've actually heard that he has to have a vocal coach in order to keep up his trademark accent because he's lived here so long. Also, how the fuck do I keep making replies that start a new page...sheesh.
  5. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    I kind of love that idea. Yes and Yes!
  6. Amy the Gorilla

    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    I just don't trust Snyder with movies anymore. I agree with taylorannephoto about being bored by MoS (And laughing at it) and I guess Watchmen was okay, I'll watch it from time to time, but I got sick of it real quick. Sucker Punch is one of those movies that irks me and I keep thinking about what I would do different or how it could have been made better. 300 kind of just is what it is. So I have no real desire to see this movie. As for the Routh Superman, none of the actors were at fault here, and people who blame him for it have no idea how film making works. It was a campy, modern sequel to the Christopher Reeves Super man, but it couldn't decide what kind of tone it wanted and it turned out more weird and confusing than fun. Also this:
  7. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    OMG!! Is no one going to bring up the fact that if he had been in the USA since childhood, his accent would be gone by adulthood??!!??!
  8. Amy the Gorilla

    movie posters without any text (heads up: contains large images)

    Imgur can be so temperamental with large files. geez.
  9. Amy the Gorilla

    movie posters without any text (heads up: contains large images)

    This one is ripe for messing with... So I did.
  10. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    I feel you! Like so much! I had something similar happen a couple days ago in the youtube comments (I know, I know, You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy... blah blah) someone asked what something meant, but asked it like "What that meen?" and I've witnessed typos and what not get attacked by grammarian assholes only for them to respond "Sorry English isn't my first language." I also have an Egyptian friend that I chat with over facebook who I'm helping as he learns English, so I sort of feel for people who mess up a little but are trying so hard. So I (mistakenly as it turns out) assumed this was one of those individuals and started my comment with "I assume English isn't your first language?" then went into explaining what they wanted explained. The vitriol I received from people telling me how much of an asshole I was being to this poor person, etc. etc. and to make matters worse, the person replied, with atrocious grammar, stating that English was their first language. I was just all "But...But..."
  11. Amy the Gorilla

    San Andreas (2015)

    I saw this movie in the theater with my mom. We were laughing and whispering jokes as we watched the movie. I feel like the only good parts were Paul Giamatti's, and he was probably phoning it in. It hit every point on a Disaster porn checklist, minus the part where I actually care about any of it, or the people.
  12. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    OR... Call it something else and make it an interview show where people play games that require lots of making stuff up, the sillier the better. Like Role playing games or board games like "Say anything" or Slash ... Which... Would be just a geekier version of "Comedy Bang Bang" I guess... Dammit.
  13. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    So? Same name different subject matter. It would be stealing otherwise.
  14. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    I've been bouncing around an idea for a podcast/youtube show where people are interviewed while playing "Cards Against humanity" (And other similar games) called "Oh the Humanity" (Or something.) and after listening to the both of them in this episode, I'd want them as Co-hosts.
  15. Amy the Gorilla

    The Lawnmower Man (1992)

    I feel like if they can talk about "Hackers" there's no rreason they can't talk about this one. It's like a cyberpunk version of "Flowers for Algernon" but without any sort of message.
  16. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    At one point in my life I used to have Joust on one of those "Plug & Play" pieces of garbage you buy at the mall for $5 that had a thousand other games on it too. You can also buy a USB Classic Nintendo controller. and download the game online for free.
  17. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    That's because it's a love story. You never see or hear about Dux with women before the reporter, and when he saves her from the bad dudes, she seems to think it's because he's into her, and he goes along with it because he thinks this is what straight people are suppose to do, even going so far as to sleep with her, despite the fact that he's got it bad for a guy who probably doesn't feel the same. That scene where he says "I love you my friend." The reactions tell all. "I love you my friend." *Ray looks uncomfortable, realizing that Frank really does mean he loves him, but Ray is straight and he doesn't want to hurt his friends feelings* "Me too." *Frank looks hurt. He didn't say "I love you too." This was never meant to be* *The Reporter looks confused, slowly realizing that Frank is actually gay.* Explains the friendzone bow at the end.
  18. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    I was thinking the same thing when she said he inspired the Street Fighter character. Fun fact about the "nut punch" move in that game. In the first few games, back when they were both in Arcade cabinets and home consoles, Johnny could only "nut punch" male characters. The reason they gave for that was that it seemed crass (In a game that rips people's spines out via their head/neck). I can't remember if people got upset because of it, or just thought it was stupid, but the move became universal in the later versions of the game. CUNCH!
  19. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 131.5 - Minisode 131.5

    I tend to be overly apologetic sometimes. It's a bad habit. Everything's cool.
  20. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    Jason loves Joust???? I think I just found my soulmate! Also, yes, it IS laughably easy to download Joust online, and you can use an XBox 360/XBONE controller on your PC.
  21. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 131.5 - Minisode 131.5

    It's a little bit of both. I've heard people talking about it, and that it's a musical, I just don't know much about it other than that. Also, Sorry, my comment did seem a little mean now that I think about it. considering it came RIGHT after you said you didn't want to talk about it anymore. haha! Sorry.
  22. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 131.5 - Minisode 131.5

    What is Hamilton?
  23. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 131.5 - Minisode 131.5

    This is kind of reminding me about a discussion I had with a friend of mine about wanting to write a espionage version of an Avengers type movie with non "super powered" Marvel characters Like Black Widow and Hawkeye and the like. I even came up with an obscure character as the villain.
  24. Amy the Gorilla

    Swordfish (2001)

    Doin' what you gotta do to get an Oscar for the art, man.
  25. Amy the Gorilla

    Episode 131.5 - Minisode 131.5

    I did it again, with the "Deep art" stuff. I promise this is the last one. It's more straightforward this time with a painting style instead of using a movie poster. I just like experimenting with the thing, I've done a few other pictures of other thing that aren't the HDTGM gang.