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Posts posted by beezyharps

  1. My two favorite podcasts coming together, and the showdown between Sean and Amir was more tense and glorious than I possibly could have imagined.



    Also Sean is really making me THINK about religion, ya know?! Like so many people don't even think about it, and it's so brave of him to not be afraid to ask tough questions and not accept an idea just because it's popular.

    • Like 7

  2. Glad to hear there's a podcast that's not afraid to ask the tough questions regarding Dylan's transition from folk music to electric. If only the LAMESTREAM modern media had the same moxie.



    PS: I liked Mike Lawrence. He brought a nice energy to the show that seemed to essentially say: "I get what they're going for, but I haven't decided whether or not I like it." Really forces Sean and Hayes to double down and can produce surprisingly funny moments.

    • Like 13

  3. In my humble opinion, Life of Brian is one of the 5 funniest movies ever made. I feel like it shows the diversity and genius of the humor of Monty Python better than anything else. In any given scene there will be complex jokes, stupid jokes, broad jokes, one-liners, social criticism, high brow, low brow, and any other type of humor you could expect. It's truly a masterpiece of comedy.

    • Like 1

  4. Favorite: It's A Wonderful Life

    Every year I watch it on Christmas Eve, and every year I cry. The story of George Bailey just gets better as a I get older, and Jimmy Stewart gives one of the great acting performances of all time.


    Least: Clerks

    I understand the importance, but other than 2 or 3 scenes I do not understand the appeal of this movie at all. 'Dogma' and 'Chasing Amy' are both better Kevin Smith movies in my opinion. I just do not get this one. It bores me.


    Favorite that didn't make it: Romeo + Juliet

    Once again, I understand why this didn't make it, but I f*cking love this movie. The performances by Claire Danes and Leo are phenomenal, and their chemistry alone makes this one of my favorite onscreen Shakespeare adaptations of all time. Also you guys really should do another Shakespeare film soon.

  5. Easy yes.


    This movie is great. I usually hate movies like this, but Linklater completely makes it work here. It's not my favorite Linklater by a long shot, but it is probably his most interesting to discuss. I agree though, we likely don't need another "important 90's independent film" episode for a while.

  6. Full disclosure: Dazed and Confused is my favorite movie.


    I saw 'Everybody Wants Some!' this weekend, and I completely agree with what I have heard from Devin on the podcast and on Twitter. Linklater has a history of examining young male bonding and the fragility and performance of young masculinity in a subtle way. He celebrates the camaraderie that can be built even while criticizing the actual methodology by which the camaraderie is established (ie: hazing, driving around and destroying mail boxes, etc.) In Dazed and Confused this was a minor but significant theme, but here he has decided to bring it to the forefront to great results. Linklater is a rare filmmaker who understands masculinity and male friendship in a way that neither fully celebrates it nor fully condemns it.


    The dialogue is obviously fantastic, the characters are fully fleshed, and it is another Linklater film that I look forward to watching over and over. Like Devin said, Linklater movies are perfect for rewatching, as he does a great job weaving in so many themes and ideas that you're unlikely to notice on first viewing.


    I do think Amy's criticism of 'Everybody Wants Some' is totally valid. The lack of depth to any female characters was impossible to ignore, even if you want to argue that was intentional to just give us a story from a very narrow perspective. When Linklater does give women fully-fleshed out personalities, they often end up being the best parts of his movies (Patricia Arquette in Boyhood and Julie Deply in the Before Trilogy) and I do think the movie could have been strengthened by developing a few female characters more to be a necessary disruption of this privileged viewpoint we are given with our main characters. But I do think Linklater knew what he was doing in this case and I understand the intention, even if I don't 100% agree with it.


    End of the day, this movie is fantastic and I will probably see it again in the next couple of weeks.

  7. So sorry to hear what happened to Sean. I bet it was those SCUMBAGs at TMZ who took that picture of him in his hospital gown where he accidentally showed his bottom to them. Do they not get he was in the hospital due to a personal trauma?! Where is the decency...


    PS: Love you guys, but I'm still waiting on apology for saying Macklemore and Ryan Lewis could fight. Seriously, these guys are the saviors of rapper music and it not funny to pretend that bad things happen to them.

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  8. I'm sorry to have to do this, but I may have to stop listening unless we get a formal apology from Hayes and Sean for even suggesting Macklemore and Ryan Lewis would ever break up and fight against each other! I get these guys are bad boy comedians, but they really crossed the line with this one. A world where no one bravely stands up and says gay people are cool and white people have privilege? I don't even want to think about it. Too scary.

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