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Posts posted by Roman

  1. It's not all about forgiveness though. They have to think about how survivors would feel if Earwolf and Birth Movies Death continued on like nothing had happened. Especially in the current political climate. It's perfectly fine to forgive Devin, but there are also issues of trust, and the implicit meaning of standing behind someone who's involved in a controversy.


    In other words, because of what allegedly happened, and when it became exposed, it became about much more than whether or not Devin is forgiven and it would probably make the situation worse to just forgive and carry on. I think it's actually better for Devin this way believe it or not.


    Yeah, I agree with you. What I said isn't really possible. I just wanted to say it.

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  2. Here's what I think. Amy should continue the canon WITH Devin. While I realize this is nearly impossible, it's what should happen. I believe her that Devin has changed and progressed since those days, and I do believe that he is deeply sorry. Now it is really up to us, what kind of people do we want to be. The people that can forgive? The people that would forgive? If not, what happens to the guilty person? Must he suffer for life, even if he has grown into a different person. Is there no possibility to escape. Do we keep such a person in quarantine until they die? What does that achieve? Isn't the point to reform, to grow, to fight and in the end what comes out is a good, decent person. Isn't that the point? But we must be willing to let them do that. (my comment does not apply to what the victims should do.) It's a leap of faith that says who we are or would like to be. If Devin is sorry and fully aware of what he did, than I think he should be given another chance.

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  3. What is the point of the canon, if every movie gets in? I mean, will this end up as a list of 5000 random movies. What is the value here? Will we see The Seventh Seal alongside the fourth best Michael Bay movie in the canon?
