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Everything posted by yeahtoast!

  1. yeahtoast!

    Episode 501 - Manchester Orchestra's Kith and Kin

    Zach's song was catchy as hell. When Jessica joined in it became great. Is this what their new podcast is like? No wait, don't answer that, I'm already downloading it.
  2. Marcevan was really dropping the WNY references left and right it felt like. Amherst, Williamsville, Glen Falls, the Bills and Jills... he even sneakily threw a quick kimmelweck in there!
  3. yeahtoast!

    Episode 500 - The 500th Episode

    Holy shit Gabrus. Where do you come up with this stuff??
  4. Between the Vivaldi and Wipeout of the monologue and the karaoke songs of the improv, Eban was on fire this ep!
  5. yeahtoast!

    Episode 498 - What That DOS

    Flula is an absolute treasure. He seems like he could be a CBB character, but no, that's actually just how he is.
  6. yeahtoast!

    Episode 494 - Face Fox

    Great ep of "I Love Movies!"
  7. yeahtoast!

    Episode 493 - King Garbage Dick

    I love Nick Kroll's Jeff Goldblum impression. ...hell, I love any Jeff Goldblum impression.
  8. Whoa! It's been a... minute.
  9. yeahtoast!

    Episode 485 - The 8th Anniversary Show!

    Insanity from start to finish. It's probably not fair to put such a glorious all-star lineup as a Best Of episode, but I was laughing for three straight hours.
  10. Chazmin and Sunny were also definitely those two theatrical speaking "actors" in the flashback at the 48 minute mark. And I thought crossover weeth week month was over!
  11. yeahtoast!

    Episode 478 - Spank Me With A Feather!

    And his shoutout for <Don Pardo> hyooOooOuuUuUu-twoOoOooOoo </Don Pardo>
  12. yeahtoast!

    Episode 478 - Spank Me With A Feather!

  13. Wait a second. Was Eban playing "Yub Nub" while Paul was talking about Ewoks??
  14. yeahtoast!

    Episode 476 - The Evigan Way

    Oh my goodness, the phone bits. I knew they were coming and they still made me crack up every. single. time.
  15. yeahtoast!

    Episode 474 - Liquid Meal Spheres

    Scott can't possibly dislike Big Chunky Bubbles more than he does Willie Mapleton can he?
  16. I was at this show and I have to say it might have been even better than last year's Sketchfest epic "Storm Drain" with Jon Hamm. It's too bad it doesn't come through super well without the visuals, but: the sound guy Shea/Shay scaring Paul *twice* during the monologue with a surprise microphone had me falling out of my chair. Also, Tawny for MVP. "Stair Witch to Heaven" was inspired.
  17. yeahtoast!

    Episode 453 - Unblocked and Unlocked

    Two "soup to nuts" references in one week!? What are the odds?
  18. yeahtoast!

    Episode 452 - Pow! Pow! Power Wheels!

    When Claudia mentioned Hulu I started fantasizing about an episode where Claudia and Willie could have an Australian accent-off. That would have been something. RIP Claudia. Oy noy!
  19. Paul said the previous episode's guest was Zach Gowen, but I don't know to where I should be directed to listen to said episode! There could be HOURS of listening pleasure awaiting me there!
  20. yeahtoast!

    Episode 451 - Wishing with The Grawlix

    I don't know why but "Edgar Allen Paul" had me laughing out loud. LEABE HIM ALONE!
  21. Wait a second, was that "Fanfare for Car Crash Survivor" I heard when Gary was introduced?
  22. yeahtoast!

    Episode 432 - Dana Carvey's Micro-Impressions

    "Why are all my references from the 60s and 70s? Oh my goodness, I've jumped the shark." Scott didn't react, but I appreciate what you did there Dana.