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Fabio's Socks

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Everything posted by Fabio's Socks

  1. You're being fooled, Ban On Stuff. I have it on good authority that Meg was a member of the Secret Forum even before she was a member of this forum! We need a strong leader, a leader with passion and the ability to win a boat race. We need #TeamJackal for CEO of Midroll!
  2. Can confirm. Was on a fishing trip with gollstone last weekend that would retroactively make a great publicity stunt/photo op to show that gollstone is a regular guy who can relate to the common forum user
  3. Although to be fair, that guy probably spent the next ten minutes talking about the burning temperature of jet fuel and how it relates to the melting point of steel girders I'm #TeamJackal in all this nonsense, btw
  4. Work sucks this week. But things are looking up now that there's a new HH! Plus I get to feel like an NSA agent listening in on someone's private phone conversation
  5. Oh no! But if H&S are getting major recognition for their work, what are they going to complain about this week? And if they can't complain, could this week's episode be a dud?? I can't bear to imagine it
  6. I once saw Bill Murray in a restaurant in NY. He caught me staring at him, then walked up to my table casually, stole one of my french fries, ate it, grinned and said "no one will ever believe you." Then he also took my wallet, my cell phone and my car keys and just casually walked out. What a legend
  7. Fabio's Socks

    The Super Secret Forum... Sshh.

    I don't know. I've heard that guy is quite the prankster
  8. Shane, Co.: You've got a friend in the diamond business. But outside the diamond business, we're enemies, so step off, bitch
  9. Good note, greggy. Much appreciated. And maybe we can rename Malfoy to be Dwayne the Rock Hard Johnson, because he's the least-liked Hogwarts student 7 years running
  10. OK, I feel like this is the appropriate place to pitch this, since this forums is all nerds and stuff. I'm thinking about writing a Harry Potter fan fic where Voldemort has a bastard son while he's sort of floating around Albania only half-alive. And even though he's famously furious at his own father for abandoning him as a child and eschewing creativity by naming him Tom Riddle Jr, Voldemort proves the age-old theme that we can't escape our own upbringings, and he names the kid "Voldemort Jr.", then skips town and runs off to England for his campaign against Harry Potter, a campaign that eventually takes his life. (Sorry, spoilers) Now here's where it gets interesting: 15 years in the future, Voldemort Jr. and Harry's son Albus Severus Potter cross paths: Junior goes to some foreign wizarding school like Durmstrang and ASP is a typical entitled Hogwarts douche. The two clash in some amazing battles, but then in their darkest hour, find a Batman v Superman -esque common ground. Just as Albie is about to stab Junior with a glowing green spear, both boys realize they are both just acting out in anger because they were saddled with shitty names that were more like a selfish extension of their own shitty fathers' stories than a real life name that won't make all the other kids in school shoot spitballs at you and beat the stuffing out of you at recess. Then they become a dynamic duo who room together at Wizard College and throw mad ragers and try to hook up with sorority hags every weekend. Thoughts? Is it too didactic? I'm worried it will come across as just a paper-thin allegory with the moral of not naming your kid stupid things like Apple, North West or Le-dash-a.
  11. I just want to say how amazing Sean's character voices are. His British Guy was unreal this week, and I think this was the best we've ever heard him do Lunch Pail Guy From The Basement Yard
  12. Fabio's Socks

    HH theme songs

    I thoroughly enjoyed all of these. Your voice sounds like the love child of Nickelback's lead singer and gravel. And I mean that in the best way possible. I appreciate that you did irreparable damage to your vocal chords for our amusement.
  13. Fabio's Socks

    Episode 135 - Jon Daly, Our Close Friend

    On account of Dixon being a friggin Pencil Man, have we considered that he figured out a way to draw the popular star himself? We can't know if it's legit unless we get Dixon to use his eraser and see if the star will disappear
  14. Fabio's Socks

    Episode 135 - Jon Daly, Our Close Friend

    What a beautiful metaphor for the inescapable presence of self-deception in the psyche of the modern man
  15. He who live in glass house go through plenty of Windex; Maybe glass house fad is part of Windex guerrilla marketing scheme
  16. Fabio's Socks

    Episode 135 - Jon Daly, Our Close Friend

    Sounds like their denoument wasn't nearly as advanced as my favorite book, "The Story of the Cat and... Hey It's Me, Deadpool, Bet You Thought You Were Gonna Hear the Rest of This Title But the Only Title I'm Interested In Is The Titles in Kate Upton's Bra"
  17. Fabio's Socks

    Episode 135 - Jon Daly, Our Close Friend

    I honestly thought this book turned out better than the animated kids movie they made last year. You know, with the ripped minion and Jack Nicholson. That was a smash hit in its own right. And I think book had less swearing too? Certainly less adult content
  18. Fabio's Socks

    Episode 135 - Jon Daly, Our Close Friend

    The forums, here's what I'll say about the forums. I promise you this: We'll make the forums great again.
  19. Fabio's Socks

    Episode 135 - Jon Daly, Our Close Friend

    Hey guys, Socks checking in. I'm just starting the episode now. 6 minutes in, I just want to say that I really want one of those big beds with the dividers in it like Hayes has. I really need one because let's not mince words... my bed is often way too crowded if you know what I mean I honestly can't count the number of times* I've woken up next to two different ladies and they've gotten mad at each other and me because they didn't know the other one was there. *I actually can't count the number of times because the number of times is zero and I'm not exactly sure how to count to zero. I usually start at one when I'm counting and it's kind of throwing me off.
  20. Fabio's Socks

    Episode 134 - Far East Movement, Our Favorite Band

    Oh that's what that is! I thought it was a native Wyoming-ite who came to the show and left a graffiti of his hometown on the wall
  21. Fabio's Socks

    Episode 134 - Far East Movement, Our Favorite Band

    Hey guys. I'm so excited! I just applied to rent a townhome next year with some friends, and I already called dibs on the downstairs room. Which basically means I'll be living in a kickass basement condo. It won't be quite the same as Sean because I won't have my dad upstairs, but I'm really hoping that a similar living situation makes me get smart and funny like the Clemdawg!
  22. Fabio's Socks

    Survivor MEGATHREAD

    I don't mean to rag on Aubry - I actually see a lot of her in me. I'm kind of an overthinker, can get stuck in my own head and I can be neurotic myself when it's something I really care about (like Aubry clearly did about Survivor). I just know from personal experience that that sort of personality can rub people the wrong way in large doses (like 39 days straight). Michele is just so smooth relationally. Everybody liked her, and it felt like Aubry had to work really hard to form bonds (I have to do the same) and Michele just naturally forged them. I guess Michele has that smooth, natural sociability I wish I had myself, so I really admired it in her game.
  23. Fabio's Socks

    Episode 134 - Far East Movement, Our Favorite Band

    Those are good stats. I was 8-41-14 myself, but I'm more liberal with my half-smiles.
  24. Fabio's Socks

    Survivor MEGATHREAD

    I actually found Michele's game really really enjoyable to watch. Her win was a throwback to the core of what Survivor really is - sending your fellow players to the jury but getting them to turn around and vote for you in the end. Michele did that with a stellar social game, where I think Aubry unnecessarily burned some bridges, and her neuroticism - lovable to us in small, 42-minute doses each week - probably annoyed the people who had to deal with it for 936 hours straight on a deserted island with no food or sleep. And Tai... well, Tai's game was kind of like that wild, runaway train that Tom Scharpling rode all the way across the country and then crashed into the Pacific Ocean, presumably in a huge ball of uncontrollable flames.