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Posts posted by poyahoga

  1. Oooh! Can I be the first heavy one?


    I've only been listening to CBB for about 3 years actually, my older sister introduced me to the show when I was going through a really hard time. I had lost my daughter, and I was just massively depressed and felt really alone. Then there was this weird as fuck, crazy show, and it really picked me up. I've since listened to 80%+ of the back episodes (until the paywall happened), obsessed over details in the back stories of recurring characters (my number 1 being Wompler and Listler), and the Comedy Bang! Bang! fan art I started to draw was the first thing in a long time where I didn't hate what I'd drawn. So I can honestly say, without the last 500 episodes of Comedy Bang! Bang!, I would be in a significantly worse place personally. dv27om0c2dox.jpg

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