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Everything posted by systonjon

  1. systonjon

    Episode 139 - Simply Irresistible

    Long time listener, first time caller here. I don't believe anyone else has mentioned this, though I could very well be wrong, but can we talk about the absolutely absurd number of shots using mirrors? It drove me to the precipice of madness. There are multiple occasions where an actor is just standing in the very centre of a mirror and then reacting to what is happening in the scene. For me it might be the most jarring thing about the whole film, which is high praise when a key component is a magical crab that looks like it was stolen from the fish counter at a supermarket. Completely unrelated, but during the climax of the movie the whole room is overcome by silence because the aunt character grabs SMG's mouth to calm her down; or something? But that doesn't happen until after the food is prepared and is on it's way out, I really feel like better rules needed to be established for crab magic. Also this might just be me but silence isn't an emotion? Thanks and sorry for the dreadful run on sentences.