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Everything posted by IRONicmerMAN

  1. I've said it before, I'm saying it now and will probably say it again...Pepsi is diarrhea in a can.
  2. From chimpan-a to chimpanzee. Zyklon A? No! Zyklon B!
  3. IRONicmerMAN

    The Book of Henry (2017)

    Good point. I guess it's probably tough to know you're involved in cinematic diarrhea until it's over.
  4. I see your Voblex and raise you a Shampoodler.
  5. IRONicmerMAN

    The Book of Henry (2017)

    Between this, 3 Generations and The Sea of Trees, I'm starting to feel bad for Naomi Watts.
  6. Can the Illuminati and lizard people get their plans finalized, please? I feel like we've got it too good now.
  7. So DuckTales is coming back in 2017. Great, another remake. Dare I say it? I call fowl!
  8. IRONicmerMAN

    Ewan confirms his return for Obi-Wanna Mann.

    Bump. This is brilliant.
  9. Brand new telephone, may I ask who is calling? Sorry, I meant to say "who dis"?
  10. O Führer! Mein Führer! Dead Poets, anyone?
  11. IRONicmerMAN

    Episode 495 - Who CBBeefed?

    Not my favorite Mary performance, but she was still great. Tim stole the show for me. Amazing lineup with a lot of wheeze laughing.
  12. He insisted I sit on his lap and call him "Papa". Only later did I learn Hemingway is dead and this was just a dirty old man by the sea.
  13. Hey, Dirty, baby I got your money...and this time spend it on school lunch like you're supposed to!
  14. If you meet a Nice Lyon in France, you won't be Bordeaux. You have nothing Toulouse and might even Louvre it.
  15. That Hitler fella really set the bar for drug-fueled dictators with micropenis.
  16. IRONicmerMAN

    Rad (1986)

    1. This film somehow cost $11 million to make. 2. 'On the website Rotten Tomatoes, "Rad" was given a "Rotten" rating of 0%, the lowest possible score from critics; conversely, the audience rating stands at 91%. Guardian writer Nick Evershed found it had the largest discrepancy between audience and critical reception in the Rotten Tomatoes database, from a pool of 10,000 movies analyzed.'
  17. I know, Ninja Terminator was just done. If the gang needs a break from the 80's ninja genre, fine. When the time is right, I think this is worth checking out. Don't bother checking the Wikipedia description. It's really short, and doesn't give much insight into the madness which is Ninja III: The Domination. This is the third in a trilogy, which follows interesting naming conventions. Enter the Ninja (inspired by Enter the Dragon?) and then Revenge of the Ninja pave the way for this final installment. Take a look at this 4-minute insanity that opens the film. There's a lot of fun garbage to follow, but this sets the scene. Full film isn't on YouTube, but there are some links from that site to others hosting the film. Before I forget, there's Exorcism-like possession and a floating katana. Oh, and there's odd use of V8.
  18. First time caller, long time voyeur.
  19. Does this morbid obesity make me look fat?
  20. IRONicmerMAN

    Ninja III: The Domination (1984)

    <heavy sigh> I watched this movie again. Twice in a week and I still have no idea what's going on. Again, it's worth watching for the opening sequence of one ninja taking on a police force.
  21. IRONicmerMAN

    Phantom of the Paradise (1974)

    I'm sold. I was just surprised by the trailer. At one point, I had to look at the progress bar to see how much time was left, only to find that I was less than halfway through!
  22. I'm hesitant to boast, but from coast to coast I'm the host with the most who makes great toast.
  23. Fun fact: sperm whales got their name because they are 90% semen. A very on-the-nose name, if you will, and I think you will.
  24. You say you prefer subtlety? Well, my dear, I guess you haven't witnessed a Jon Hamm commando stroll.
  25. The only Mad Man for me is Dom DeLuise Draper.