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Everything posted by IRONicmerMAN

  1. IRONicmerMAN

    Donald Trump is an anagram for Don Turd Palm.

    Lots of fun ones for the man who will shower us with all that sweet, sweet MAGA. http://wordsmith.org/anagram/anagram.cgi?anagram=donald+trump&t=1000&a=n
  2. Donald Trump is an anagram for Don Turd Palm.
  3. I did the Gallup Strengths Finder survey. Instead of giving me my top 5 traits at the end, it just gave me the phone number of a local therapist.
  4. I've been hearing about this Alt-Right command on computers. What does it do? Do I need a white keyboard to find the Right key?
  5. In this era of supposedly making things great, what about those of us who are fine with civil and mediocre?
  6. Once I find Atlantis, Noah's Ark and the Lost City of Z, there's only one thing left to discover...who let the dogs out. Who, indeed.
  7. You mean to tell me that the law says I can't go outside naked in the dead of winter and fire an AK in the air? This isn't the U.S. I know and love!
  8. IRONicmerMAN

    (soon-to-be) dead man Walken

    Too soon.
  9. The Game of Thrones I'm used to involves running around to music and the thrones disappearing each time it stops. And there are dragons.
  10. Jellyfish, meet Peanut Butter Fish and Bread Shark. That be the sandwich for me, says I. Yarrrr.
  11. At Cheesecake Factory, if you don't leave with our cream in your mouth, it's your own fault...and it is probably on your shirt.
  12. Hot dogs don't just have numerous piggy parts in the meat. They also include its soul.
  13. Batman. Amateur hour. If you should be afraid of anyone in tight underwear and a black mask, it's my neighbor Steve. Creepy crusader, indeed.
  14. Slap it up, flip it, rub it down...oh no! That slippery dolphin got away before I could finish his shiatsu massage!
  15. I don't want, anybody else. When I think about you, I cut myself. Really, you're the absolute worst.
  16. Yeah, I get it that around Christmas it's fun to call someone "Peppermint Patty". My name is Mark, not Pat!
  17. Who needs the NES Classic to satisfy 80's nostalgia when you can just get a fat kid in a Goonies shirt to run around your yard?
  18. IRONicmerMAN

    Episode 151 - The 2nd Annual HOWDIES Pt. 1

    Is this the new Gooby for June?
  19. IRONicmerMAN

    Good Movies Recommendations

    I initially typed a response for a good movie I think the crew should do, but I realize now that may not be the point. Here's my actual recommendation. One good film that flies under the radar (at least from what I've noticed) is Australian film "The Proposition". Gritty Western style with some great acting (Guy Pearce, Emily Watson). I saw it when it first came out and it has stuck with me. I haven't seen it for a while and need to pick it up again.
  20. IRONicmerMAN

    Your Favorite Episode?

    How dare you. Such a difficult question to answer! I have a few, and a favorite would probably depend on the day. For an easy answer, The Room made for great listening and there's a lot of callbacks in later episodes. In the same vein, Birdemic, another pet project by the writer/director/producer. Other than those, Jack Frost, Street Fighter and Devil's Advocate were good, too. You didn't ask, but here goes...least favorite: all the Fast & Furious episodes. Sorry, guys.
  21. IRONicmerMAN

    Cabin Fever (2002)

    That film is already perfect. Why fix what isn't broken?
  22. IRONicmerMAN

    Best of 2016 Pt. 1

    Hopefully she's better. Do Scott and Kulap have human children? Losing Rocky had to be really hard. I think he was on the TV show! At any rate, it's great to hear Scott laugh, especially if he's had a tough few months.
  23. IRONicmerMAN

    Best of 2016 Pt. 1

    You're awfully worked up over my very benign "complaining", which wasn't much of a complaint at all. Are you Ben or Horacio? That would explain your displeasure. Happy holidays!
  24. New No-No, Old Yes-Yes, Current Maybe-Maybe