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About dirtyvicar

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  1. Taste the rainbow. Go on, taste it. You know you want to. It's okay, no one's looking. Taste it! Yeah, like that. Taste it real good.
  2. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo burgers.
  3. One asssscat and 17 charred corpses later, the improviser began to regret the series of "yes ands" that led him to this point; perhaps he should try sketch.
  4. Special thanks to our new sponsor, the NRA. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.
  5. Now with more pumpkin spice.
  6. We had three monkeys podcasting to infinity hoping to get a decent audio version of Hamlet, but instead we got this.
  7. Like the blacksmith always says, "He who smelt it, dealt it."
  8. I'm sorry, Mr. Joel, but we have forensic evidence that proves you did indeed start the fire.
  9. How the hell am I supposed to know "What's up?" I'm just a hot dog, bro; I don't possess even the most basic of cognitive skills.
  10. A smile is contagious... and so is syphilis -- both of which you just got from me.
  11. They say "gender is fluid," so perhaps I could leave a little gender fluid on your lower back?
  12. Watch "New Catchphrase Suggestions" this fall on IFC.
  13. Time is a flat circle-jerk.
  14. A-tisket a-tasket It puts the lotion in the basket Tuck it, Tuck it Where's my cock?
  15. Here be dragons! There be flagons! How old's the GPS in your station wagon?