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Simon Lee

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Everything posted by Simon Lee

  1. Man, aside from Jason Pargin pushing his issues on ALL men, I find a real problem with this stupid logical fallacy: "Let's get all the facts first, that tends to be a guy's first question when a sexual assault allegation is made, but nobody when they hear that your car is stolen, 'well let's see what the car thief has to say about that.'" The problem here is these guys aren't able to apply critical thinking to the problem they are posing, and they reduce below the complexity is warrants. The fact is, when your car is stolen, you don't say, "let's see what the car thief has to say about that" but when someone is picked up as a SUSPECT as a car thief, a logical person WOULD say, "let's get all the facts first before we send this man/woman away." That's the point here. If a woman is sexually assaulted, it is a crime against a human, no different than any other violent crime. If she thinks it is "so and so," that does not make it true. I believe the "experts" at Cracked have probably done podcasts about the issues with eye-witness accounts. Everyone in America has a right to a fair trial, meaning "let's get the friggin' facts" before they're cast away. There are all sorts of situations, patriarchal structures that prevent this from happening, but the issue is NOT someone saying, "let's get all the facts first." These guys tend to think about things with an 8th grader's awe of the world. "Man, what if Jesus wasn't white???" That's great, but they need to quit acting like authorities on anything. Edit: And I started an account here just to complain about this podcast because someone close to me listens to it, and I am forced to hear this nonsense quite often.