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Everything posted by Scottzilla

  1. Scottzilla

    Dog Eat Dog (2016)

    Yes, that was a long time ago... I guess I was thinking of latter day cage and dafoe. I didn't mean it in the ironic deniro/pacino sense. Just that they are both so crazy now. This was not a rage cage movie, but the ending makes up for it.. Also that trailer shows pretty much the whole movie!
  2. Scottzilla

    Naked Weapon (2002)

    They won't do this. It's a spoof already. How do you skewer a skewer? Even if the skewer is really bad at being a skewer.
  3. Scottzilla

    The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)

    I will add to the chorus that this is one of the movies I thought of when I discovered this podcast.
  4. Scottzilla

    Dog Eat Dog (2016)

    OK I swear I searched first, but it didn't come up. This movie is really really terrible, it is pretty slow paced though. But there is a really terrible ending so I guess it is worth it? It is on Netflix.
  5. Scottzilla

    Dog Eat Dog (2016)

    Nick Cage and Willem Dafoe Nick Cage and Willem Dafoe Nick Cage and Willem Dafoe Also some fat guy who is really not very good but gets more screen time than Cage or Dafoe. Movie starts with a brutal violent murder set to the the woohoohoo song from the vonage commercials It's set in Cleveland. Includes a scene of Willem Dafoe getting jerked off by some Asian prostitute. There's some great driving at night while jazz plays scenes... and I'm only halfway through it.