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Jack Frost

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Everything posted by Jack Frost

  1. Jack Frost

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Smurfs was still in the theater at the time, and at the end Jason was saying "Do NOT see this movie." I imagine the studio's lawyers could have contacted them and said "Please don't people not to see our movie. We'll straight up sue your asses."
  2. Jack Frost

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    How was the first Highlander? I watched the first few minutes once and shut if off because I thought it was stupid; but I suspect that I just wasn't in the right mood.
  3. Jack Frost

    Paywall Special Announcement

    Machinations of Pee-wee?
  4. Jack Frost

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    I Come From The Water
  5. Jack Frost

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    The album after this one, Hell Below, Stars Above, is pretty good. Contains at least one blatant Pixies ripoff [the title track is a virtual rewrite of Something Against You]. Yes, I'm a huge music nerd.
  6. Jack Frost

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    I wore this album out as a teenager. I'm from Iowa and I still live here.
  7. Jack Frost

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Also, just caught how in the minisode Paul says "There's a very lively discussion happening in the Escape from L.A. page, about 40% has to do with the movie." Nice.
  8. Jack Frost

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Well, you're all wrong because Michelangelo (the 'Party Dude') was the best turtle. Also, Return to Oz is pretty awesome. VERY dark for a kids' movie. It was terrifying when I was a kid. I find mid-period Balk [American History X, Waterboy] to be quite attractive.
  9. Jack Frost

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    It isn't pronounce "cum buns?"
  10. Jack Frost

    Why hasn't Aziz Ansari been on the podcast yet?

    It sounded like him doing the original Corrections and Omissions song. "Baba ba bababa ba, you got corrections..."
  11. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    That sounds incredible! I've read a few Star Trek Next Gen books that were pretty decent. And yeah, I think that's a big part of why I got weepy about Vader having to fight Luke. I was definitely thinking about all that stuff, the whole family history thing.
  12. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    You might be right. I remember John Carpenter on Conan, I think he was promoting Ghosts of Mars. Conan asked about what inspired Escape from New York, and he just goes "Don't like New York." He asked the same thing about Escape from L.A. and he says "Don't like L.A." That doesn't mean there wasn't more behind it.
  13. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    I recently broke down when my older boy [4] was watching Return of the Jedi. At the end when Luke is fighting Vader, all I could think was "But that's his Daddy!!!" Small disclaimer: my wife is pregnant with our third and I've noticed it's like ten times worse when she's pregnant. Those pregnant pheromones just kill me. She tells me "That's what PMS is like."
  14. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    Oh crap, I guess that seems really random. It's because my kids have gotten way into E.T., and it's a movie that never made me cry until I had kids. Like, when the mom opens the bathroom door and Eliot and E.T. are both laying on the floor, and he says "Mom, we're sick. I think we're dying.." That shit is ROUGH!
  15. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    Cameron H., now I kinda want to change my tag to "zero charisma." As a father, have you noticed yourself being more sensitive or crying at things more easily? I know that's personal, but I definitely cry at movies and tv shows a lot more easily since becoming a parent. I remember Paul saying the same thing, and even that he cried at the same commercial that's gotten me before. {"I'm never letting go."}
  16. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    100% agree. All that stuff about not giving up that dick game was SO funny!
  17. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

  18. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    I'd place both In the Mouth of Madness and Body Bags pretty high. Either Halloween or The Thing would be number one. Ghosts of Mars would probably be last, but I haven't seen The Ward.
  19. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    One of us! One of us!
  20. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    RE: American Spirits. As a former smoker I can attest that American Spirits have always been white like [almost] any other cigarette. I think the cigarillo he smokes at the end is a reference to Clint Eastwood's "Man with No Name," on which the Plissken character is no doubt based.
  21. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    Correction and Omission: Toward the beginning of the movie, when Stacy Keach and Michelle Forbes are filling Snake in on his mission, Michelle Forbes pulls out a miniature VR unit and plays back a recording of Rayanne stealing the black box. And then later Keach and Forbes are revealed to both be holograms. Would a hologram need a little box to project another hologram? I mean, couldn't the person running the holograms of the two cops also project the hologram of the VR recording?
  22. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    Well, I'd read an interview with Carpenter once where he said they were going to bridge the two films with comic books, but when I WikiPedia'd the comics it doesn't seem like it deals with any of the stuff that happened in Cleveland so I decided not to submit it as an Omiision.
  23. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    You do remember Judas Priestly's anecdote about movie scenes that make you cry, right? But yeah, this song instantly makes me feel happy. And to 'scenes that make me cry,' you can add like half of E.T.
  24. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    Zombi's main influence is a band called Goblin who did the music for a bunch of movies by Dario Argento, whom Carpenter is a big fan of. And yes, they fucking RULE!
  25. Jack Frost

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    According to Bruce Campbell's autobiography, Kurt Russel revealed himself to be an Evil Dead II fan. Upon first meeting Bruce, Kurt before saying anything else smiled and said, "Say 'workshed.'"