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Pugfugly Ate He Fore

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Everything posted by Pugfugly Ate He Fore

  1. The penis, mightier than the sword. The penis, stuck inside a gourd.
  2. Pee Wee drank green tea, made pee pee from his wee wee in a teepee.
  3. I don't want to bang, I just want to work on dee drum all day.
  4. It’s like my Pam-Paw used to say “You snooze some, you looze some.”
  5. I'm Pan-sexual, which means i'm only attracted to Robin Williams and Sandy Duncan.
  6. I've murdered 83 other Pugfuglys to get to where I am today.
  7. That sour puss is just right for this huckleberry hound.