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Pugfugly Ate He Fore

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Everything posted by Pugfugly Ate He Fore

  1. Mary Elizabeth Mastersoftheuniversio. I Hey Nong the POWER!!!
  2. Mary Elizabeth Masterandcommanderio: The Far Side of the World. How did THIS get made?!?
  3. Pugfugly Ate He Fore

    George and Ringo playing bingo. Where's Paul gone? He's on the John.

    Sure, but it's strip Bingo, and a blackout wins a handy.
  4. Pugfugly Ate He Fore

    If it aint Ewoks, I WALKS!

    If it aint Ewoks, I WALKS!
  5. When you boil it all down...a human body fits quite snuggly into a five gallon bucket.
  6. Pugfugly Ate He Fore

    George and Ringo playing bingo. Where's Paul gone? He's on the John.

    One note; I like where you're going with this, just doesn't *quite* have the melodic quality I'm looking for.
  7. Joe Cocker? Joe barely knew her...other than the sex, of course.
  8. Buckingham Palace has confirmed that DMX is dead.
  9. Pugfugly Ate He Fore

    Thomas middleditch and horatio sanz

    I wouldn't hold your breath on Middleditch ever being asked back.
  10. Early to bed, early to rise. These ass-less chaps are burning my thighs.
  11. Alright, let me have it. Whom did I subconsciously rip-off?
  12. To sleep perchance to cream. Ahhhhh, THERE'S the rub.
  13. If George W. Bush had two birds in his hand, would Dick Cheney shoot him in the face?
  14. There once was a man from Spokane, who messed up while trying to tan. He swallowed some aloe, oh boy he looks sallow, and now he is stuck on the can.
  15. Pugfugly Ate He Fore

    She snorts bath salts from the Dollar Store.

    Here's another dud.
  16. She snorts bath salts from the Dollar Store.
  17. She sells high end real estate by the sea shore. It's a very good living.
  18. Let's all bump our Seashells submissions.
  19. Let's just stir up some controversy again so that Scott continues the streak of calling back to the previous week's submission.
  20. If a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, how many hands are worth a bush? Like, four? I've never been good at math.
  21. Another day, another dollar. I should really report them to the department of labor.