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Everything posted by muttnik

  1. muttnik

    Weekend at Bernie's 2 (1993)

    Aw, I used to like this and the original as a kid. I've not watched them in ages but I don't doubt this one would be good to do. Stuff like this and zombie media has really opened my eyes as to how little people seem to understand their bodies and what actually happens after you die.
  2. muttnik

    Episode 220.5 - Minisode 220.5

    Cassette tapes are somewhat making a small comeback. I don't really understand it myself, but you can buy current albums and (full price !!!) players. My first college date was organizing a massive DVD collection after my date had a hard time trying to find a specific movie. I told him I'd be happy to help him get it organized. We took everything off the shelves, dusted them, made sure the correct discs were in each case, and then set them in stacks to organize (by letter (leaving out the articles), keeping series together in order of release, and a separate director's section for his favorites in order of release). I think at the time he thought it was true love or something, that I'd happily do that for him, but really I just like organizing things. Always have. I remember going to Zany Brainy for Goosebumps books and finding the section badly out of order, so I started reorganizing it. I still do that. Just last month I was trying to find a specific lipstick tester but all the testers were in the wrong places, so I put them all back where they were supposed to be. Anyway, I go back and forth with myself on physical vs. digital media. On the one hand, it does cut down on clutter and environmental waste, and it's much easier to find niche and out of print materials. On the other, algorithms, being at the whim of third parties on what and when you can see something, issues of ownership, rights issues, horrible redubs, etc. Plus, streaming killed video and music stores, and those were the two best jobs I ever had. (So much organizing!)
  3. muttnik

    Loqueesha (2019)

    Yeah, his other movie looks like straight trash too. I'd like to think in a somewhat close alternate dimension, HDTGM can cover this movie because everything isn't a constant trash fire and we can safely laugh at this yabo with zero negative repercussions.
  4. muttnik

    Tourist Trap (1979)

    While I disagree with some of his personal views, I'll always be grateful to JBB for exposing me to so many amazing movies as a kid.
  5. muttnik

    Tourist Trap (1979)

    It's been a while, but this one is pretty nuts. Here's a trailer, it's pretty spoilery, so don't watch if you like to go into movies blind. https://youtu.be/sDpxEdIxxg4
  6. muttnik

    Guilty as Sin (1993)

    I see it. His mustache was very distracting to me as well. As was when they shared the water bottle while eating dinner. Bleh. I was surprised given this type of movie that there weren't any real sex scenes, save for the mini one at the beginning. It's better for it, but man, just getting Don Johnson in a towel feels like a cheat. Like the whole last ten minutes were wild. Without getting too much into it, I knew it was going to have to happen, but the way in which it happened was amazing. If we're magicking in Cohen for directing (RIP), I'd like to add Michael Moriarty to the mix. I'd swap out Lang for Moriarty.
  7. muttnik

    Guilty as Sin (1993)

    Oh wow. Wowie, wow, wow. Wow. So yeah, that sandwich scene was nuts. This movie was great, and I'm surprised I've never seen it before considering these types of movies were always on HBO when I was a kid, and I was obsessed with Don Johnson for a while (/shame). Wow. There was so much wildly distracting background stuff (for me). So many weird mustaches on extras. That weird blue office building. The LOUD marble in the courthouse. The spaghetti foley! What really did me in was the last minute or so. That was crazy. I literally sat up and threw my hands into the air. Wow. And she's never walking again, let's be real.
  8. muttnik

    Phantasm (1979)

    True, it is ten kinds of crazy, I've just never seen/heard it referred to as a 'so bad it's good' movie, but maybe it is. It was presented to me as a child alongside other weird horror movies that I've also never heard anyone consider HDTGM worthy, though maybe they are too. It's just strange, like finding out the moon is made of cheese. I agree though, the sequels are not so great.
  9. muttnik

    Phantasm (1979)

    Wait, I was always under the impression that this was a good movie. Have I been watching it wrong this whole time?
  10. muttnik

    The Banana Splits (2019)

    Yeah, I was going to say, it looks like they wanted to make a Five Nights at Freddy's movie but the guy maybe wanted too much money/creative control, so they scrounged around the bottom of the pop culture barrel for the cheapest thing they could get the rights to.
  11. muttnik

    Birthday Movie Marathon 2019

    And yet I know that years down the line with the way things are currently going, we'll get one. The Thing From Another World was just on TCM a few weeks back and I gave it a rewatch as it'd been a while. If anyone hasn't seen it I would definitely recommend doing so at your leisure; I remember not being super impressed with it as a kid (because by then I'd already seen Carpenter's version as well as other things like Alien and Cronenberg's The Fly, and that's like trying to give a kid an apple after a can of Coke), but I appreciated it a lot more on this viewing. As for the 2011 prequel, there are things I absolutely love about that movie, but a lot of the effects having no weight to them is what ultimately disappointed me about it.
  12. muttnik

    Birthday Movie Marathon 2019

    It really, really is, and every effect still looks fantastic to this day.
  13. muttnik

    HDTGM movie defenders

  14. muttnik

    Birthday Movie Marathon 2019

    No, unfortunately, I'm currently broiling in the American southwest, but that's super rad and definitely up my alley. I read before that the movie did much better in Canada than the US.
  15. muttnik

    Birthday Movie Marathon 2019

    Camille (1936) Princess Mononoke Congo Predator Alien The Thing (1982) Perfect Blue Phantom of the Paradise Creepshow *I knew after I posted I was forgetting one very important one.*
  16. muttnik

    Episode 219.5

    I have no idea what the other two are, but The Visitor is a fantastic movie that was restored and re-released a few years back. Here's the trailer.
  17. Right?! He's an actual, grounded person who's okay about his current place in life, and has a super cool job, and his daughter is delightful. I still would have wanted them to just be friends at the end, maybe some implied leaning to an eventual romance, but wow. Wow. Also, even though it's only like a sentence, Adult Elizabeth talks about and semi-confronts her absentee father. Leaving a lot of these things out was a serious misstep.
  18. That link is a good watch, along with the deleted scenes link DrGuts posted. I got around to watching them all the other day and they made me like Mickey! That version of Mickey should have been in the movie.
  19. That lazy design drove me wild as a kid since there are other materials from the time where he is much more horse-like. The movie's poster art even! I mean you look at all the other cousins and it's clear what animals they're supposed to be, and then there's this alleged horse. A longer snout would have done wonders. Teat Heart Pig was allowed to have a snout and the design is better for it.
  20. muttnik

    HDTGM movie defenders

    I still think Mortal Kombat is a good movie, and I feel it's still one of the better game adaptations out there. Solid cast, solid choices for the time, solid theme song.
  21. If anything, "Fred" would be really pleased with all of this.
  22. This movie I believe introduced Noble Heart Horse, who was the unhorsiest looking horse I have still ever seen in my life. He had hands! He was clearly a mohawked bear with a fake tail! That is a wiggy, wiggy bear!
  23. muttnik

    Event Horizon (1997)

    This movie had a lot of great ideas, and the set designs are still really nice, but it always felt so choppy to me, like entire scenes were missing or cut. I read a while ago there were a lot more gory torture scenes filmed, which you see bits and flashes of but have to pause the film to make out, but the studio scrapped them for the final cut. Can't imagine June liking this one at all. I can't watch eye violence either. And like 95% of old Italian horror (which I love) is all eye violence, which sucks, and I always forget, and then I spend the next few minutes after gagging. A tip for anyone, that website Does the Dog Die has all kinds of "does this movie have ____" yes or no questions and eye violence is one of them. It's been a real help for me.
  24. Maybe Mortal Kombat? I can't remember, I think they looked upon that one pretty unfavorably, but that was another favorite of mine as a kid along with the aftermentioned Congo, and I think it holds up very well as an adaptation of the first few games. I can't wait to hear the Double Dragon show, which is not a great adaptation but still a cherished favorite of mine. A part of me hopes that one day they'll do American Anthem which is a really terrible movie about gymnasts staring gymnasts that I also can't seem to logically see as bad, and a movie I think June might like from past comments, but it's not the easiest movie to find streaming.