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Everything posted by muttnik

  1. muttnik

    Episode 184.5 - Minisode 184.5

    I wish this movie had been about the mothers being in love with each other and exploring their long-held feelings after they find out their sons are in a relationship.
  2. muttnik

    Geostorm (2017)

    I wanted to love this movie, it had so many elements I love, but there was a really gross thing I noticed afterward that bummed me out.
  3. muttnik

    Episode 184.5 - Minisode 184.5

    You know what, he should embrace this more. If it's not a deeply personal tattoo essentially meant for his eyes only, he should go all out, buy nothing but mesh tanks, write movies for himself where he's topless 93% of the time. Live it. Anyway, I hope Rad does get an episode in the future. I love that movie. I had a study hall teacher Sophomore year that would play his personal VHS copy one Friday every month. No one asked him to, he just liked watching it, and he never played anything else or took requests. Just Rad. Only Rad.
  4. muttnik

    Episode 184 - Johnny Mnemonic: LIVE!

    I don't have a comment about the movie but you brought up the pinball machine which, for me, is as disappointing as the movie since I've never played one where the data glove worked.
  5. muttnik

    Episode 184 - Johnny Mnemonic: LIVE!

    The woman in the machine was Johnny's mom. Also, I believe it was the first Shrek soundtrack as SM isn't listed on the official soundtrack for the second movie.
  6. muttnik

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    Gird your loins, Simon Le Bon.
  7. muttnik

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    From my understanding, for a time back in the day Morocco used to be one of the leisure spots abroad for well-to-do gay men. I took my fingertips over to Google since I am not a gay man and this Slate article about the gay expereince as a resident and tourist popped up. The article states that the "gay paradise" that once was had pretty much vanished well before the 80s, so Bobby wouldn't exactly have been living freely, but perhaps he felt Morocco still offered more privacy than the UK or US, even with the stiffer consequences? And the John Wayne bit I believe is just because he was, and still is to some, the pinnacle of straight hypermasculinity. (personal note: John Wayne was trash) I read a lot of AIDS panic in that scene too. Ugh, this movie.
  8. muttnik

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    I just really hated this movie. It should have ended with Chris finding out Emily found not-Starbucks-Starbucks happiness in Seattle with Rob.
  9. muttnik

    Street Trash (1987)

    And June would hate.
  10. muttnik

    Episode 181.5 - Minisode 181.5

    From personal experience, way too many parents make a choice to ignore the ratings on video games and remain ignorant about what their kids/grankids/wards are playing until they see something that they don't approve of. For every one customer at three different jobs who would ask me what the ratings meant, ten would flat out ignore me or tell me to mind my own business. "My kid can handle it." Maybe so, maybe not; why don't you want to know what you're giving to your child for entertainment though? And they'd come back later demanding a refund, some insisting that I mislead them, and in one case calling me a smut peddler. I just get the feeling that people are either afraid or just don't want to talk anymore, that discussions have to turn into debates, and that there can only be one right answer.
  11. muttnik

    Episode 181.5 - Minisode 181.5

    "That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works!" This movie owes me pain and suffering.
  12. muttnik

    Street Trash (1987)

    I kinda get what you're saying here, but at the same time all I can agree on is the junkyard hellscape aesthetic. This movie really is something else, and I think I'm okay with having watched it? The melting effects were pretty, and I liked some of the actors... that's my something nice, haha.
  13. muttnik

    Episode 181.5 - Minisode 181.5

    Depeche Mode, Bowie , Mark Lanegan, Queens of the Stone Age. Taika Waititi hasn't done me wrong yet. Yeah, I feel this a lot. I had to distance myself from artists online because of the fan posts I was seeing. If it wasn't someone broadcasting their darkest sexual desires, or trolling on behalf of another artist, it was a lot of blind hero worship. A musician I enjoy really screwed up the other month (which is on brand for them really), and the garbage I saw people posting to defend that person was abysmal. From blaming and name calling the victim in the incident, to expressing that they'd love for the artist to physically assault them... flippin' yikes.
  14. muttnik

    Episode 181 - Freejack: LIVE!

    I was dying at the Fabergé egg bit and then I realized I too have a family member that had "Fabergé eggs". This was twenty plus years ago, and my aunt was probably just joking around with me, but I looked up at her curio shelf full of elaborately painted real egg shells and just rolled with that explanation.
  15. muttnik

    Episode 180.5 - Minisode 180.5

    Wooo Chicago! I hope everyone who wants to go can get a ticket. I wish I could go and then spend the rest of the night stuffing myself with Portillo's. I used to confuse Freejack and New Jack City, so I never watched either of them out of an irrational aversion to Emilio Estevez. Freejack wasn't as bad as I was expecting.
  16. Super rad, though no one brought up the fact that Cara and Dane look like siblings, which bummed me out. Imagine if the movie had been about a brother and sister not believing/trusting in each other's skills. I mean, it still would've been a mess, but at least it wouldn't have had the tired love story bit. Respect. I rewatched 1, 3, and 4 the other night as I hadn't seen them in ages. Three is the craziest, though four does have the nice melty effect and this almost lifelike mannequin.
  17. If you haven't already seen it, I think you should steer clear of Brian Yuzna's Society at all costs.
  18. I don't know if the band were werewolves or not, but the singer was a stone cold fox.
  19. I think because she wasn't 'originally' killed the right way, which makes no dang-darn sense, because at the end of the first movie she's shot with a silver bullet after transforming on air during a piece exposing the existence of werewolves. Basically, the first movie sets up that werewolves have to be killed a certain way as they'll otherwise just regenerate. The male protag gets silver bullets from Dick Miller (!!!) who states that silver is just movie hooey, BUT silver ends up being (aside from fire) the only thing that actually kills werewolves. Now, when the male protag shoots her on air they don't explicitly state that he's using silver, but why the hell else would he try anything else at that point? What gives?! I don't think I like this movie as much as I used to. Still love the song though.
  20. Maybe they were just snacks, like virgin snacks before the werewolf planet aligning big game, because virgins taste better? Which is a vampire thing, again. I don't know how much credence there is to the Lilith original vampire bit, but I do know it's been a pop culture thing for a while if it registered to kid me.
  21. Werewolves, vampires, and Black Lagoon monsters are what happens when God has a three day work week. Thinking back to when I used to watch this movie in my youth, I always figured Stefan and Stirba were siblings from way back when. So, personal childhood theory, not canon, I assumed Stirba made a pact with the devil and became the mother of werewolves like Lilith was the mother of vampires. Stefan, horrified by his sister’s actions, vowed to God to undo her carnage, and that’s why he’s become kind of eternal. He and she had to die together. This is all making me want to pick up these books and see if I'm anywhere near right.
  22. I thought that when Paul paused during the fire stunt anecdote he was going to say someone suggested actually lighting Christopher Lee on fire, and the face I made in those few seconds... June's description of what she thought the movie was about, a pack of dogs finding their roots, made me think of the plot of the third movie (The Marsupials), which partly is about Australian werewolves (who are Tasmanian tiger offshoots) and their culture and beliefs. And yes, a character does get pregnant -a hybrid pregnancy in fact- and nurtures the baby in a pouch. But I hadn't seen that movie in at least fifteen years so I Wiki'd the plot and wow it is way more bonkers than I remembered. Like, papal pardoning of werewolves bonkers. So I know what I'm rewatching this weekend.
  23. muttnik

    The Craft (1996)

    Me too, how dare you guys, it's a classic! I think the last time I watched this was during a sleepover sophomore year. It was definitely a sleepover staple.
  24. muttnik

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    Yay! Howling II was one of my favorite movies growing up, I can't wait! Love the one song they play throughout. So guys, I have a link to a non $14 version, but I know link sharing is frowned upon for very real, good reasons. So *coughpmme* terrible weather we're having this winter huh.
  25. muttnik

    The Stuff (1985)

    This movie is fantastic, and every time I watch it I want to eat that Stuff. It looks like a mixture of froyo and marshmallow fluff, and I bet it would taste like the really good vanilla, and like, heaven. I mean it'd better for what it eventually does.