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Everything posted by muttnik

  1. muttnik

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    When I told my mother, she swore it was a good movie as well. So, aside from the first club scene which I wish didn't exist, it's a weird-good movie, depending on your love for Neil. Like if you dislike Neil Diamond this is not the movie for you. And it is strange someone thought the world needed a Neil Diamond vehicle. There are some odd choices made, and Neil does just fine acting, but at times he has a very stilted stage presence that I never noticed before. I still like it as a whole though. It reminds me a lot of my grandfather's friends and my mother's stories of growing up in Skokie, IL. I wonder if this means eventually we're going to get into Streisand.
  2. muttnik

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    How dare you Paul, Chet Haze was in this. What does Meredith’s absentee mother do for a living? Their house, her clothes, and her two mega parties don’t seem feasible on a high school principal’s salary. And I had an issue with the scholarship dealie too. For the reason you guys mentioned, there’s no way Chloe wouldn’t have been offered a sports scholarship when the movie goes out of its way to show she’s a superhuman soccer player; she launches the ball onto the field via circus back flip. But in the end it appears the Bratz become a girl group on MTV, so none of them go to college? What was the point? Also, college, weren’t they high school juniors? They skip from the beginning of freshmen year to two years later, so the beginning of junior year? Because September of freshmen year to the September-ish of senior year is three years. This movie had a lot of finality for junior year. And really, what American school sports team would cut a star player because she dares to spend time with friends outside the team’s practice hours, or sit in the team’s designated courtyard clique spot? Where was their coach to nix this? Does the team just make all the decisions?
  3. muttnik

    Dreamscape (1984)

    I liked the snake man... I'll show myself out.
  4. muttnik

    Nightbreed (1990)

    I've seen both cuts, though my memory is garbage now and I can't recall much of what's different. I do love this movie though, it's fun to look at and I wish I knew more about the world the monsters lived in.
  5. muttnik

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    I believe back in 2003 I had each of the girls and guys in their original outfits; none of that extra outfit cash grab nonsense for this (at the time) high school junior. For a second I was really confused why they would do The Jazz Singer until I rewatched it last night. Yikes. I must have blocked that first awful, awful scene from memory. Also, guys, prepare yourselves for the raw sexuality of Neil Diamond.
  6. muttnik

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    I thought he was cute so I checked IMDB to see who he was and... then got really bummed out for the rest of the movie. I also had some of these dolls... so this was a real embarrassment party all the way around.
  7. muttnik

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    That clown sequence was really something else. I have a real problem with the goth kids. Not only do they accept the invitations to the MTV My Super Sweet Sixteen party but they attend, and not just to stand in the corner smoking and judging/laughing. I didn't know wearing dinosaur hats was a thing in any high school universe. It was a weird joke. I laughed at it, but still. Where were the Magic the Gathering LARPer kids? Tidbit: Cameron and Dylan, the two male love interests, were also dolls. Chet Haze's nerd character was not, which is maybe why they abandoned his and Jade's thing.
  8. muttnik

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Paul, you should watch Ghoulies and Ghoulies 2 sometime. I liked them both, especially the sequel, but I can't recommend the third one where the Ghoulies undergo a growth spurt and enroll in college. I can't get behind talking Ghoulies. Howling II is really fantastic, so is Queen of the Damned, both would be solid live shows. As for other horror movie suggestions, maybe The Visitor? It got the HD treatment a few years back and is pretty bonkers.
  9. muttnik

    Origin Stories Bonus: Mackenzie Astin

    This was great, he laughs a lot like his dad.
  10. muttnik

    Double Dragon (1994)

    I love this movie.
  11. muttnik

    The Blue Lagoon (1980)

    Two cents: So I've only watched it twice, the first time in a very edited form on TBS or TNT as a teen, and then the full movie later on in college. I wasn't impressed with either version. It seemed like it was just a thing because of Brooke's age and because the characters were cousins.
  12. I've always found the Troll and Ghoulies puppets/costumes to be strangely adorable, so these costumes being so off putting was a shock. I'm choosing to believe that they didn't give him much of a budget to work with considering this mess of a movie and how badly the original artists were ripped off.
  13. muttnik

    Episode 168.5 - Minisode 168.5

    No Brittany Murphy either. That reboot gets a big no from me.
  14. muttnik

    Episode 168.5 - Minisode 168.5

    I love that movie. The end credits cracked me up as a kid, as an adult though... oh boy. At least the theme song is still rad.
  15. Ugh, this movie, and I agree that it could have stood to be grosser. Like I half expected Nat to pop his zits at someone, and while most of me is thankful we didn't see that, I expected/wanted to see it because of the context of the Garbage Pail Kids! How do you have the same pants wetting joke eight times -and a flashing joke as well for one (the amount of sexual stuff in this movie was insane)- but only show puke once? They should have made the gross effects really comical looking, like super thick bright neon colored slime, and really oversold them. The most aggravating thing about this movie is how pointless it is. As touched on in the episode the kids have no purpose, there is no purpose to anything. At the end of the fashion show when the audience first spots the kids, I really thought the movie was queuing us up for the message. I thought Dodger was going to tell the snooty department store audience who really made the clothing and scold them for judging the kids based solely on appearance. That we should embrace 'gross' things because they have value. But no, the kids just ripped the clothing off the models exposing their teeny weeny bikinis (what), the audience got farted out, and the kids rode off into the night to engage in more mischief. Awful.
  16. muttnik

    Episode 168.5 - Minisode 168.5

    I remember these! There was a run over cat as well. I didn't have any, but I remember seeing them at the comic shop alongside (by that point very out of fashion) GPK cards and Madballs/Blurp Balls. That was a very gross time period for toys. Even one of the Yoshi's Island video game commercials was just some guy eating too much and then grossly exploding all over people? I wanted a Monster Face (like a gross Mr. Potato Head), or the toys that let you make edible gummy or rubbery plastic spiders and junk, but my mom wouldn't budge. That was probably for the best.
  17. muttnik

    Episode 168.5 - Minisode 168.5

    This movie plays on an infinite loop in Hell, but it did remind me about my childhood sticker collection. I had a neon purple and green plastic pencil box full of stickers, the most prized being the scratch 'n' sniff ones I inherited from my older brother. I never stuck them on anything, I just hoarded them like some kind of sad dragon. Do kids still collect physical stickers?
  18. muttnik

    Episode 168.5 - Minisode 168.5

    Aw, I remember seeing Batman Forever in the theater with my mom and her covering my eyes during the scene where Nicole kisses Val while wearing only a bed sheet. She covered my eyes during most of the Riddler scenes too. She was horrified with herself for taking me, meanwhile my dad inadvertently let me watch Predator when I was five, because dads, and afterward let me watch pretty much any sci-fi/action/horror movie since I was so enamored with the Predator costume. I was thirteen when American Beauty came out and I had a huge crush on Kevin Spacey, so I bought a ticket to Blue Streak and snuck into the theater showing AB. Youngest person in the theater by a mile and an usher walked past me twice. I didn't account for the longer running time though, so when I came out almost an hour past when I should have I had to lie to her that there had been an issue with the projector.
  19. So glad this movie was covered as I'd seen the skateboard scene many times but had no idea where it was from. I had a hard time remembering any character’s name, so eventually I paired things down to Blonde #1 and #2 and Dumb Dildo Ryu and Ken (plus Sports Dildo). I have a lot of sympathy for the snake. Imagine the life it lead prior to when we first see it. It was either born into captivity or it was cruelly taken from its home and/or a possible family to a medical research facility, to be injected with who knows what and given rat cancer. Each day must feel like eternity until one miraculous moment when a shipping error finds the snake in a tropical paradise. It's free, maybe for the first time ever. Alone, except for the memories of how it suffered at the hands of men, lamenting the life it never and will never have, slowing dying of cancer. The snake eventually comes across the happy honeymooning couple, which represent everything that has been taken away from it. Maybe it's hunger, or instinct, or just an emotional lapse, but it kills them. Its life force ebbing away, the snake finds a cool dark place to rest in and die (the pipe under the women’s bungalow). Does it dream while it settles here? I would assume there would be nothing but nightmares. Perhaps awakening from and trying to flee these nightmares, it bursts up through the toilet, but the snake sees its reflection in the mirror, the haggard specter staring back causes the snake to have another breakdown, shattering the mirror and trashing the bathroom. Pathetically the snake crawls toward Blonde #2 begging for release from this hell. It sees the smuggler jerk from earlier who had tried to hurt it, recognizes that he wants to harm this woman, and kills him not just for his transgressions against the snake but to save the snake's unlikely saviors. Having helped someone in its final moments the snake finds peace and is ready to truly be free. Unfortunately, the woman shoots the snake non-fatally in the face twice before it is blown up by Dumb Dildo Ken’s rocket launcher. That's your hard ticket to Hawaii.
  20. muttnik

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Bras do not seem to exist is this movie's world, and as a breasted individual I'm a bit envious of that. Also, whatever they were doing in that last sex scene was not sex. That's not how that works. Also also, I really like how they did the credits sequences.
  21. muttnik

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I would be all right with my theoretical girlfriend taking all of my candy; it could only make her sweeter, and also I lack self-control and always end up eating way too much in one sitting. Really niche personal gripe: I wish HTTH had been a little bit more like the Dirty Pair comic/anime series in regards to the female leads. I wanted so much more for them. I have a lot of snake feelings for next week.
  22. I still can't get over how much Dane and Cara look like siblings and yet they're supposed to be lovers. Gag.
  23. muttnik

    King Ralph (1991)

    This movie is pretty rough if you genuinely like the actors involved. The studio made some pretty silly promotional items for it, some of which popped up on eBay about two years back (I assume from someone's weird ass personal collection that they were forced to part with). I almost bid on a deck of playing cards that alternated between scenes from the movie and John in king drag. I tried to find pictures from the auctions and stumbled across this old blurb from Entertainment Weekly: Anyway, here's a sound clip button that I assume says something 'funny' when pressed.
  24. muttnik

    Episode 167 - Chopping Mall: LIVE!

    I think the reason the mop water Dick Miller is using is so dirty, is because he quips back to the bucket before the bully janitors arrive that he's cleaning up some kid's puke. Like, the kid ate a metric ton of mall junk food and than ran around all hyped up like kids do, spewing a pizza/candy/popcorn/ice cream/shake concoction all over the floor, which the prop guy figured was the equivalent of marshmallowy hot chocolate (?). I had enjoyed this movie, but that commentary really tainted it for me. There are far too many creeps in Hollywood (and in general) flying under the radar, so I appreciate when they're pointed out so I can withdraw any future financial support. Perhaps to remedy things in the future if a creep comes up during research, that fact can be stickied and then pointed out at the beginning of the show?
  25. muttnik

    Episode 165 - Ninja Terminator: LIVE!

    I've never given Tangerine Dream a listen but I'm adding them to my check out list, as well as the repurposed Korean movie. I'm also interested in which GH movies used music from the Iczer-One OVAs and Miami Vice. This stupid movie just opened up a lot of interesting doors for me!