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Everything posted by MondoMudbutt

  1. Leather daddies mean leather fatties, and you know what I mean by fatty.
  2. Striped shirts like Waldo. Piped squirts like Balto. Typical pet party.
  3. If we're gonna do this, tell me one thing. Seriously. Like, really, just tell me one, single thing. Jesus Christ! ONE THING!!! I love you.
  4. Oh, you have a popcorn ceiling? Well I guess I have a kettle corn ceiling you ridiculous lettuce foot!
  5. Train your dragon to spit fire and you'll never stop eating s'mores, RIGHT?
  6. Televisions are only good for pizza raves.
  7. Chase the horse and chase the dog but keep your distance from that weird frog constantly trying to cross busy roads.
  8. MondoMudbutt

    An hour of fat rips and Sour Patch Kids. I'd say it's a Sunday, alright.
  9. MondoMudbutt

    Embark on your life's journey only after you've embarked on your personal bodily journey. In and out.
  10. What's this world coming to when you have kids saying the darnedest things left and right?
  11. Every day I wake up with a smile on and a rock solid member pulsating.
  12. Choose you own adventure, but be sure and choose the one where you get to eat the curried planters wart.
  13. “Blast off”, the man said after dropping 42 hits of acid and drinking a Tropicana Orange Juice.
  14. Charge the battery before you use it. I wasn’t getting any good vibrations out of it earlier.
  15. While riding the train, I farted. I blamed it on the baby next to me and the train collectively berated him for the remainder of the trip.
  16. Install apps on your phone to look at your phone more, because the more you look at your phone, the more apps you have and the cooler you seem to strangers.
  17. About. Contact. Advertise with us. Shop!
  18. Vivid dreams are a lot like vivid entertainment, ya know?
  19. I braided my hair tonight. But not the hair on my head.
  20. Just dropped the pants off at the store, Grandpa. Now fuck off!
  21. Grease the floors before you quarter the mortar, for it's sure to lure the pure skewer lawn mower and steeped leaf blower at grandpa’s house.
  22. You can walk the plank or suck the frank, but you must do so with a smile.
  23. That’s it. I’m done. I quit. Forget about it. I will only eat at Captain D’s and that’s final, you furry fucker.
  24. Flappy lips caress fingers in the land of the forbidden fruity pebbles.
  25. This business is different from other businesses. How, you ask? We don’t run a tight ship, ya hear? We run a goddamn loose one.