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About crazycatlady

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  • Birthday 10/05/1988

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    CBB, Off Book

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  1. crazycatlady

    Episode 599 - 10th Anniversary

    Let's get #TooSadEliot trending.
  2. crazycatlady

    Episode 554 - Educainment Squad

    Man. This was quality. Gotta be in the best of 2018. Peppers and Lyle are fucking ridiculous, they made me giggle a lot. Horatio and Thomas are hilarious improv partners.
  3. crazycatlady

    Episode 550 - Cheesing Out The Wave D-Hole

    Andy is the best. My favorite meat may not be hotdog but my favorite waterskier is.
  4. crazycatlady

    Episode 548 - Know What Iā€™m Saying?

    If only you included how to squeeze in a detour to My Hero on Jerusalem Ave.
  5. crazycatlady

    Episode 532 - Everything Is Horrible and Wonderful

    At the mere mention of the Rum Tum Tugger in the description I got the song stuck in my head, and Tawny did NOT disappoint by singing everything to that tune. Probably my fav musical theatre bit since Scott and ALW discussed "the two main characters" in Jesus Christ Superstar.
  6. crazycatlady

    Episode 525 - 2017 Holiday Spectacular

    If you love James as Chris Matthews (and why wouldn't you) check out this episode of The Todd Glass Show. Starts around 0:28. Gold.
  7. crazycatlady

    Episode 521 - Bing Bong Goodbye

    Bangor? I hardly know whore! Definitely using that next time Bangor comes up in a conversation, when I inevitably bring it up for just such reason.
  8. crazycatlady

    Episode 519 - Law O Ver Everything

    Chief killing it right out the gate with Bora Bora being "boring-boring"
  9. crazycatlady

    Episode 518 - Corn Dog Horndog

    I've been on a ghost tour in Edinburgh, and to the Greyfriars Bobby statue/grave site, it's a very cool city. The underground Edinburgh vaults were truly creepy, I would've loved Cameron McGonigle to have been my tour guide for some comic relief.
  10. crazycatlady

    Episode 507 - Popcorn Costume

    Sometimes I do a word association just to make sure Iā€™m not asleep. Everyone was great in this ep. I love love love Gary!!!
  11. No -- I also know about Ayn Randian philosophy! And I love how the orphans automatically all have cockney accents, haha.
  12. crazycatlady

    Episode 469 - Quiznos What QuizDid

    You're no longer a gumshoe, gumshoe! But you just called him "gumshoe"... I don't know names! I only know gumshoe!! Chief and Dr. Green were brilliantly funny, love that Carl and Zeke teamed up as sisters in the 8th anniversary show
  13. crazycatlady

    Episode 486 - Schwimm On In

    PJM: I like a good E-minor. Scott: Yeah, I can tell.
  14. crazycatlady

    Episode 484 - Pre Chowder

    As a lifelong musical theatre fan I'm shocked to hear about this rivalry between Da Noise and Da Funk.