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Dunkin' "Internet" Links

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About Dunkin' "Internet" Links

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  1. I wanna take this time to say a big How Now to my brother Min Bao living in Ap Lei Chau.
  2. I drive a Mercedes Beans. That's right. I said beans.
  3. How come its cool for you to say, "I smell a rat"? But somehow not cool when I say, "I smell rats"?
  4. Instead of wasting all that time saying Peanut Butter. I just say Pean Butt now! And people DO NOT like it.
  5. Shredder saw his shadow so that means six more weeks of Splinter.
  6. I love it when I see a dog wearing a bandanna. I mean I know its gang related but its still cute.
  7. For me, in my opinion, Suleiman Ali Nashnush has gotta be first on the NBA's TALL sheet.
  8. If Mel Schacher gets any fatter will they have to change the name to Grand Chunk Railroad Question Mark and the Mysterians.
  9. In Canada, milk comes in a bag and Miss Cookie LaWhore comes in drag.
  10. You've got another thing coming... And that thing is groceries. You ordered them online and guess what? They're on their way!
  11. An Atlanta rapper and a wool sweater. What do they have in common? Well they are both very likely to be pilled up. Also they can both be found at Magic City.
  12. As a doctor in the North Pole, I do do a lot of elf-medicating. Sad to say, it is a lot of opioid scripts.
  13. Congratulations Harold! You're eligible for our seniors discount and by that I mean that we will discount you as a human being because you're so fucking old.
  14. Gross. I found a used band-aid in my cake! But we are at Big Bandage's annual wedding show, "Always a band-aid, whatever whatever... A bride!", so maybe its just a branding exercise?
  15. I prefer the version of The Sixth Sense that M. Night made when he was in middle school.