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Everything posted by ratingsjedi

  1. If you and I are both made in God's own image, then God must be one handsome son of a bitch, amirite?
  2. I'm not a globalist cuck. You're a globalist cuck!
  3. The world will not end with a bang. It will end with an Adam Sandler movie.
  4. One thing we know for sure - perhaps the only thing we know for sure - is that Smurfette loves to fuuuuuck.
  5. I'm beginning to suspect that Jack the Ripper did not get his nickname from his delightful ability to fart in any situation.
  6. Let me get this straight, Phil Collins. You saw me drowning another kid, and instead of jumping in to save him, you just scribbled down some lyrics?
  7. Why do we drive on parkways, but park in front of our ex-girlfriend Lisa’s house every night until she goes to bed?
  8. Love is a many splendored thing, as opposed to my coffee, which is a many Splenda’d thing.