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Posts posted by CaptainAmazing

  1. 11 hours ago, DanEngler said:

    They have a large number of live shows in reserve. This week's episode is Swordfish, which was recorded live in Denver on August 25, 2018.

    I don’t think they have that many, do they? Swordfish had become the mysterious missing episode that everyone was wondering about. I think it got held up as long as it did because one of the hosts was working on a show with one of the stars or the director or something and was afraid of offending him. Must have gotten that worked out or something.

    That said, a lot of episodes do go close to a year before they get released. We can’t call this one the new Swordfish for a few more months, IMHO.

  2. On 7/24/2020 at 1:59 PM, RyanSz said:

    Seen 50 of these but the list really needs to be weighted, as it's only qualifier is 20 reviews, so a movie could have 20 meh reviews and get a worse ranking thank a movie with three times as many bad reviews but had some good ones mixed in. Also noticed a lot of Stephen Dorff on that list, should there be another thing added to the list of "how to know if a movie will be terrible" list that's on this forum?

    Yeah, that first thing is basically why Metacritic has a better system than RT; it also lumps them into a third group of “mixed” reviews, wheras RT only puts them into positive and negative. Unfortunately, MC isn’t nearly as big or established as RT and they also don’t have as many reviews per movie.

    • Like 1

  3. Watched this last night and came to make sure it had been recommended by someone.

    One thing I look for in seeking out movies for a non-ironic watch is how much name recognition they have. A planned (I think now-cancalled) Lego movie  was going to be “like Cannonball Run.” A minor-leage baseball team near-ish me has changed their name to “The Cannonballers.” I feel like society tricked me into watching this. I have learned the lesson that “culturally significant” does not always equal “good.”

    Would I have enjoyed it more if I had gone into it as an intentional so-bonkers-its-good kind of watch? I dunno, maybe. Wouldn’t have fixed all the racial stereotypes, but overall it would have been a more watchable movie. But it becoming an HDTGM movie that I’ve seen would make if worthwhile.

    I’m a little but short on time right now, but I may come back later and talk about the actual bonkers things in the movie itself.

  4. Just saw this for the first time and kept asking “what the fuck even is this movie?”


    More importantly, how have they not done it yet? I think their tendency to do all the Fast & Furious movies negates the whole “can’t do anything tounge-in-cheek” argument.


    I am proud to give this suggestion the bump it deserves. I only ask they wait until it can be done as a live show.

  5. On 8/24/2019 at 11:20 PM, Ofcoursemyhorse said:


    So it had a completely different title in some English-language markets. Between this movie and Don’t Tell Her It’s Me, I’m starting to think it’s the sure sign of a “winner.”

    (Yes, I realize DTHIM changed titles and different moments after its release and this one is had different titles in different markets. Don’t be “That Guy.”)

  6. On 6/11/2020 at 11:00 AM, grudlian. said:

    This is an unsubstantiated claim but supposedly someone asked about it at a live show. Paul supposedly said his current working relationship with Don Cheadle is why it hasn't been released.

    I think we should respect the decision if this is the reason since I don't want this show to directly impact any of the host's success.

    Something about the wording of a similar answer in a thread about that episode In another thread suggested that maybe it had a chance of getting released once the show that he’s in with Cheadle ends.

    I actually went ahead and added it as a “missing episode” to the show’s TV Tropes page, and apparently that’s the first podcast to get one listed on there.

    • Like 1

  7. On 5/8/2020 at 2:32 AM, nthurkettle said:

    I agree with these ratings. Dante's Peak tries to take itself more seriously while starring Pierce Brosnan as a volcano expert who's all intense and haunted because of the volcano that killed his beloved, and that's so stupid a plot to try and treat seriously.


    Wait, so it stole all that from Cliffhanger?

  8. Maybe it’s getting a boost because I saw that movie done live and actually watched the movie itself, but the cops in Unforgettable (from what I remember from seeing it almost a year ago and a quick Wikipedia glance) :


    -Can’t be bothered to look up the main antagonist’s criminal record after she is accused of stalking, which turns out to be serious.

    -Do not believe a staking victim in the slightest, and are in fact uber-skeptical of her for no apparent reason.

    -Completely let someone who appears to have murdered go because the evidence against her is “circumstantial.”

    -Have absolutely never heard of anyone making a fake Facebook profile and refuse to even believe it's likely. They also see nothing suspicious about the account being created so recently and definitely don’t comb it for anything that could give it away as fake.

    • Like 2

  9. Went down a rabbit hole on this in the "Bad Movie Recommendations" forum a while back and the thread finally surfaced again, allowing me to post it here. (So that's why there's not a lot of terribly new stuff on here). I've noticed that a lot of the movies that they do fall into certain categories, like the following:

    1. Something that was aiming absurdly high and failed so miserably (Gods of Egypt, The Jazz Singer remake, Battlefield Earth)

    2. Something that was aiming low and still failed miserably (Howling 2, Sleepaway Camp, Star Wars Christmas Special)

    3. Trying to rip off something else and failing so miserably (Mac & Me, Beautiful Creatures, Congo)

    4. Weak celebrity vehicles, especially those with someone already famous for something else "looking to get into acting" (Crossroads, Spiceworld, Kazaam)

    5. Attempts to take an existing franchise (not always already a film one) "In a different direction" (Superman IV, Halloween III, Super Mario Brothers)

    6. Notorious bombs/duds (Gigli, Stop or my Mom will Shoot, Batman & Robin)

    7. Notoriously so-bad-they're-good movies (Birdemic, Zardoz, Gymkata, The Room)

    8. Straight-up next-level bonkers stuff, regardless of its infamy (Face/Off, The Room, Hard Ticket to Hawaii, Surf Ninjas)

    9. Absolutely anything related to the Fast and the Furious movies.

    Any others that I'm not thinking of?

  10. Hmm got harder to narrow it down to five than I expected after I read the thread. Pleasantly surprised at how many movies on this list have been done, even ones that were onlky suggested a few weeks ago.

    1. Baby Geniuses- Probably the worst movie I've ever seen. Imagine if the Look Who's Talking movies had 10x the ambition and 1/3 their already small budget. I'm still wondering how the sequel got made.

    2. Heckler- Jamie Kennedy made this full-length documentary that's basically him crying that no one liked Son of the Mask, and that it was all the fault of the critics, who are all bitter about their own careers or something. It's central thesis seems to hinge on the idea that because opinions are subjective, then there's no such thing as a bad movie, and all negative reviews are just mean, especially ones that have any humor to them. But the real appeal is how so much of it is an all-star list of bad movies (and the people who made them), many of which have been featured on this show, and how they are held up as poor, bullied sensitive artists and not people who put garbage out there. Joel Schumacher is on and is flabbergasted that anyone would have any expectations for "a comic book movie." Uwie Boll is on and held up as a hero. Also, doing a movie about harsh movie criticism on this podcast would be soooo ridiculously meta. I did a full IMDB review of the movie here. Of course we should do Son of the Mask first.

    3. 3 Ninjas- Probably the first one that I loved as a child that needs to be done by the podcast. Little kids beating the hell out of adults with their second-grade ninja skills. The same kids have somehow installed an alarm in their hallway without their parents noticing to give them a heads-up when their parents come in to make sure they're asleep, so that they can stop playing the beginning of the first level of Super Mario Brothers with the most excitement you've ever seen.

    4. Any of the Ewok Adventure films. Haven't seen them, but I remember reading a Disney Adventures magazine article where even they thought the main kid was "too cute for us." Plus anything that gets compared to the Holiday Special needs to be given a look-see.

    5. Cats- Needs to be done, but I fully expect it to be done within the next month.

    Honorable Mentions:

    Oogieloves and the Big Balloon Adventure- Move this one up as soon as they do Cats. The guy who did the marketing for the Tellitubbies when then first came to the US apparently decided that he was the real reason behind their success or something and decided to go off on his own and make his own preschool-aged franchise. One that would start with a theatrical film. So a franchise that no one would recognize aimed at kids too young to develop an interest from a TV spot or something. It starts with encouraging tiny tots to get out of their seats and dance around and such right there in the theater. You know, in a dark place with other people and seats around that's intentionally crammed everything together. Awesome write-up of it here. Put it down here because I felt my main list was too kid-movie-heavy.

    Manos: The Hands of Fate- Only down here because the podcast tries to avoid doing movies that MST3K has already done, and the only exceptions have been on accident. Would love to see them do it anyway. A lot of their most bonkers movies are ones made by people with no film experience whatsoever, and this is the perfect example.
