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About JohnjaminBonson

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  1. What age is a circumcision traumatic? I'm both anti and fore skin. Skin is like a wetsuit for your body. Bodies are like stilts for your brain.
  2. I hired a P.I. to spy on my peeping Tom. My private eye confronted ole' private eyes and turns out my voyeur was a lawyer
  3. Pallbearer? I hardly even know her!
  4. Pallbearer? Now that's a dead lift!
  5. The world is a Vampire and maybe that's why we all love watching Castle
  6. I used to play violin, now I just fiddle around
  7. I don't have a horse in this race, or skin in this game but I have a horse named Skin and All My Money's on him!
  8. All roads lead to Rome but fortunately for the Romans everyone acts like them when they are there
  9. Dogs eat other dogs all the time, and that's just the world we live in
  10. It's a dog eat dog world out there, even though they said I couldn't teach the old ones new tricks.
  11. It's a dog eat dog world out there especially in my line of work, professional dog eating
  12. It's a dog eat dog world out there, even though nobody has ever seen that happen