This movie is straight-up bonkers and really deserves a thorough look at. It has everything
-awful FXs: the ships are blatantly made with aerosol cans and lego peices painted silver/gray and claymation that wouldve looked terrible in the 50s
-cheap bobo Star Wars script
-cheap bobo Star Wars soundtrack
-David Hasselhoff
-some of the weirest one liners ever ("I'd say its red hot potatoes for small time smugglers like us" "Time for a little robot chauvinism")
-the worst Deus Ex Machinas (yes, multiple) thrown in when the plot is painted into a corner
-Christopher Plummer being paid by the minute (he takes a 5 line monolouge and makes it last 10 minutes)
-directed by Canon Films mainstay Luigi Cozzi
-$4 MILLION budget that was likely only spent on cocaine