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Everything posted by WatchOutForSnakes

  1. WatchOutForSnakes

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    We need some Blake Harris research on this!
  2. WatchOutForSnakes

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    100% agreed.
  3. WatchOutForSnakes

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    What was with those three girls? And why were they dressed as child brides at the end?
  4. WatchOutForSnakes

    Top Films of 2018

    I was actually shocked by those wins. That Mahershala Ali won for Best Supporting Actor is really all I feel I need to know about that one. The one thing they got really right last night, was awarding Super-Man. That was an amazing movie.
  5. WatchOutForSnakes

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    My mirror theory: The mirror guy is a reflection of how Ralph wants to see himself. Mirror guy gets all the ladies, and gets laid (there was that whole bit about regular Ralph being a virgin). Theory number two: It's the Upside Down! I loved this movie. Particularly the rap song. Oh heavens! Just pure delight.
  6. WatchOutForSnakes

    Theme Month: Jan. 2019 - Westerns

    This is maybe the only western I'll ever really need!
  7. WatchOutForSnakes

    HDTGM Classics Gigli

    Oh, I'm sad I missed this. Life got in the way and I completely spaced it.
  8. WatchOutForSnakes

    Top Films of 2018

    Blindspotting and Sorry To Bother You were probably a pair of the best movies I've seen in years.
  9. WatchOutForSnakes

    Top Films of 2018

    I could probably tinker around with this, but here's my first pass top 20, loosely ordered best first. Sorry to Bother You Blindspotting First Reformed Isle of Dogs Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse Can You Ever Forgive Me A Fantastic Woman The Favourite If Beale Street Could Talk The Miseducation of Cameron Post Widows BlackKklansman Ocean's 8 Black Panther Eighth Grade On the Basis of Sex The Death of Stalin The Ballad of Buster Scruggs RBG Tully
  10. My condolences, @gigi-tastic.
  11. I'm willing to theme some movie watching around westerns for the month! It's a little bit late notice, but Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is streaming on HBO Go, but expiring tonight.
  12. WatchOutForSnakes

    HDTGM Classics Gigli

    Considering J. Lo has a new movie out right now, this is timely.
  13. I read this differently. I was thinking Dimps bought her art because he genuinely liked it or that it reminded him of her (there's no accounting for taste). And given her general unawareness of reality, I doubt she would ever see it as a hollow gesture, and just take it at face value. Loved this episode! June and Jessica St. Claire together is pure joy!
  14. WatchOutForSnakes

    Upcoming Episodes

    I love both Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal. I grew up on them! I did see that TDC popped up on Amazon Prime. Am I right in thinking there's going to be a prequel? Jury's out on my feelings on that.
  15. WatchOutForSnakes

    Upcoming Episodes

    That is so frustrating. Unforgiven was one of those movies on Netflix that I was always like, "yeah, I want to watch that but not right now." I've seen parts of it and wasn't entirely impressed, so I'm interested in what I'll think when I sit down and watch it proper-like.
  16. WatchOutForSnakes

    Upcoming Episodes

    In the Heat of the Night is on Amazon Prime.
  17. WatchOutForSnakes

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    What about calling them "unsuccessful" instead of "bad"?
  18. WatchOutForSnakes

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    I have some issues with this list. Some of the voters are clearly just MST3K fans. While I love that show, I don't think the movies they pick generally fit the kind of HDTGM vibe (Mac and Me excepted). They lack the kind of sincerity and heart that makes a movie not just bad, but tragic.
  19. WatchOutForSnakes

    Schindler's List

    I think that quote about Holocaust movies not being entertainment, really hits the mark for me. It's probably why I haven't re-watched it since high school. And I think it's why it's so hard to critique in the same ways as the rest of the AFI list. It exists in a world all it's own. Maybe that's why it belongs not only on the AFI list, but so far near the top. There's just nothing else like it. Spielberg is the master of drawing out emotions, and he really succeeded with Schindler's List, such that my memories of it are enough.
  20. It's really good! Only came out a year after this musical. There seemed to be a feminist renaissance of Cinderella and fairy tales.
  21. I agree that the sisters were a problem, but I think that's part of the R&H interpretation, and it won't shock anyone to know that their IMDB pages are pretty... sparse. With respect to the no one recognizing Cinderella at the ball, it's a stretch, but I'll buy it (except maybe for the Prince). Sometimes I see people from the gym out and about in their regular work/leisure clothes and I have a hard time recognizing them, not because I don't recognize their faces, but it's so off-centering to run into familiar faces in unfamiliar contexts and places. ETA: with respect to the sisters/mother not recognizing her, it may have been that they didn't get a good look at her. Plus... magic!
  22. WatchOutForSnakes

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    I have a whole lot of WTF feelings on this one! That hair, for serious. But the story and everything is so just beyond bonkers. I can't wait to hear what the crew has to say.
  23. I too loved this one! LAW will always hold a special place in my heart, but the singing was just beyond! I remember this being a big deal when it came out. Definitely appointment viewing. This is so very 1997, but I think that makes it perfect! I love all of it. This afternoon I've been reading over shondaland's oral history of the Brandy/Houston version. It's a great read. Basically, the whole idea was Whitney Houston's love child, and she was originally going to be Cinderella, but decided she'd be better as Fairy Godmother and sought out Brandy to play the lead. Everyone involved was really dedicated to a color blind casting, and they were also big fans of the LAW 1967 version, which may have played a role in how much I found this a really lovely adaptation. My only criticism is that the two new numbers they added felt really off in tone and style from the rest of the songs. But Whitney definitely deserved that solo at the end. RIP
  24. WatchOutForSnakes

    Drive Me Crazy (1999)

  25. WatchOutForSnakes

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    I am so hoping this means there has been or will be some Zouks-Byer romancing.