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Everything posted by WatchOutForSnakes

  1. WatchOutForSnakes

    Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs

    Pinocchio is trash! I recently watched this while snowed-in in Wisconsin. I had no idea what horrible, racist, awful nonsense that movie was! I don't even think I really liked it as a kid. It wasn't one we kept around the house.
  2. WatchOutForSnakes

    City Lights

    I haven't seen this since I was a girl. I'm pretty sure there was a screening of it near me when I was a little girl, and this is the first movie I remember seeing in the theater, and I remember having a Snow White phase. I'm curious what both Amy and Paul have to say about what parts of the film, if any, hold up, and what, if anything, fresh can be said about it as seen through a modern lens. Is it worth re-watching?
  3. WatchOutForSnakes

    City Lights

    So I think Amy's interpretation of the ending is completely at odds with what the movie has to say. Here's this Tramp who has nothing, sleeping on a statute, and he happens upon a wealthy man who seemingly has everything to live for, but is really a suicidal alcoholic. In my interpretation, the Tramp sees the pain the rich man is in, and sees him as a person (not just some wealthy schmuck), and it's that humanity that forges their unlikely friendship. And of course, the flower girl is blind, and only thinks the Tramp is rich because she hears the car door when they first meet, and he takes her around in the car, but when she goes home to her grandmother she says he's rich, but he's "so much more" than that. Despite being blind, she gets to know him as he really is. Then, after he's worked to get her sight back, and she sees him for the first time, I interpret her reaction to understand that his gift to her meant so much more because he was poor and, though he could have used that money for himself, he used it to get her sight. And then when she ends with something like, "yes, I can see now" she sees not just his appearance, but who he is as a man, as a person, as someone who loves her and cares for her, when it seems no one but her Grandmother even gave her a second look. So if she rejects him because she sees him, it ruins the whole point of the plot.
  4. My thoughts exactly! I'd have more to say if I had any clue what was going on, besides the major fails of the Van Helsing's hat and Kate Beckinsale's ill-fitting corset.
  5. WatchOutForSnakes


    I too noticed how off she was, but didn't put it together!
  6. ooh! I've actually already seen the original one and really liked it. It (and maybe the Judy Garland version) might be available when the Criterion Channel launches in 6 days. Not that I'm counting down....
  7. I just saw that all the Twilight movies are on Hulu right now.
  8. WatchOutForSnakes


    She also looks pretty fucking evil when she kills the second twin? Also, are the Tethers who are not Red unable to kill Adelaide (the who's dressed in white that turns nearly red with blood by the end)? There's a moment when Tether Kitty holds her scissors right in Adelaide's face and trembles and runs away. That made me think she wanted to kill Adelaide but couldn't because, of course, Adelaide is one of them.
  9. WatchOutForSnakes

    Musical Mondays Week 62 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Yes, health first! The boards are always here. I actually enjoyed watching this for once, even with its flaws. Thanks for hosting, and bringing your perspective to it!
  10. WatchOutForSnakes

    Captain Marvel *SPOILERS*

    I also think that had Carol said, "this is who I am" she's still conceding that she seeks or desires his approval or agrees to playing by his rules. By saying she has nothing to prove to him, she's saying his opinion doesn't matter at all. It's the more "fuck the patriarchy" move, and I'm for it.
  11. WatchOutForSnakes


    The second Jason twist was something my friend picked up on her viewing, but I missed on both my viewings, but I'm convinced. Also, I now think that Adelaide's mom knew about the experiment, and maybe knew that the tethered daughter came out of the fun house because she said to the therapist, "I just want my little girl back."
  12. WatchOutForSnakes

    Captain Marvel *SPOILERS*

    I'm going to go on record saying this movie was more feminist than Wonder Woman. LOOOOOOVED it and have seen it twice in the theatre. I . might go a third time. I"m only just coming around to the MCU. This was just so, so great. I am planning on seeing Avengers: End Game just to see Brie Larson's Captain Marvel. Love her.
  13. WatchOutForSnakes


    The only thing I could otherwise think of was that she suppressed the experience and grew up learning to fit in.
  14. WatchOutForSnakes


    I just watched this for the second time yesterday and I still also have questions! In Red's monologue, I think she said that she (Red) understood that humans were experimenting and found a way to copy the body but not the soul (hence the tethers) and the idea was that they were going to use those underground to control things above ground, but that the experiment went awry and was abandoned. The tethered, then were left "for generations" and just fended for themselves down there, I guess? I don't think that everyone had tethers, but they had reproduced enough to apparently do a Hands Across America redo. Red says that she and Adelaide were born special, and they were brought together by God the night of the switch. Do you think young Red was able to control young Adelaide, and that's how she affected the switch in the hall of mirrors? Then she would obviously still control her from underground, but new/adult Red had the soul and was able to lead the others into an uprising, because she would be the only one who knew of the upper world, and of course Hands Across America. (new question, how does she lead an uprising if she's tethered?). Also, I'm still not sure what actually happened with the dance they talked about? There seemed to have been some big miraculous Godly intervention, but it wasn't clear to me what it was. Last question (for now) - Did adult Adelaide know she was from the underground the whole movie? I think she did, and it made the second watch more interesting. Lupita's performance is just absolutely beyond. She's terrifying as Red. This whole thing was gold! But yes, QUESTIONS!
  15. WatchOutForSnakes

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    This is my favorite Shelly Long movie. A close second is Don't Tell Her its Me/The Boyfriend School.
  16. WatchOutForSnakes

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    I have a soft spot for Center Stage, too. But boy howdy they definitely cast dancers and NOT actors. Serenity (2019). Matthew McConaughey apparently gives no fucks anymore.
  17. WatchOutForSnakes

    Trailer Talk

    The dad was so great. He had these few expressions that just melted me. I loved him!
  18. WatchOutForSnakes

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    Also, how have they not done Red Dawn yet?
  19. WatchOutForSnakes

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    Yes! That's why I was thinking they did Highlander. I never got around to watching the second and couldn't make it through the first. Fun Fact: The Apple is now streaming on Amazon Prime.
  20. WatchOutForSnakes

    Trailer Talk

    I am so anxious to see Us for the second time! There was so much I missed the first time, and the second viewing will be like seeing the negative of a print.
  21. WatchOutForSnakes

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    So many choices!! I also vote for Rockula. That was just... beyond. It seems to so perfectly fit the HDTGM brand! Others, I think, I'd also agree with Ladyhawk. They haven't done Highlander, have they? I don't think I've seen that in their archives. Also: Troop Beverly Hills Space Camp Center Stage Serenity
  22. WatchOutForSnakes

    West Side Story

  23. WatchOutForSnakes

    Musical Mondays Week 62 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    I actually have a similar history with The King and I. The only time I ever watched that was when I was at a house with some girls from school whose parents only allowed them to watch G rated movies. It was the first time I remember being bored by a movie and that not all movies were "cool" because it was way cooler to be able to watch PG or (gasp) PG-13 movies. I agree with the consensus that Chitty is too long. If I were to watch it again I would skip through the songs, except maybe for the one where they're dressed as toys.
  24. WatchOutForSnakes

    Musical Mondays Week 62 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    To be honest, by the time the car turned into a boat, I had forgotten the framing device that DVD was just telling this story to everyone. Also, yes, I just about lost my shit when Truly looks at the two kids in the land where kids are hated and is all, "you kids stay here while I find food. It's all fine. you can watch each other. nothing bad will happen." What?!
  25. WatchOutForSnakes

    West Side Story

    I have the same interpretation of R+J as just some hormonally charged, melodramatic teenagers, and not love at first sight (not that I think such a thing exists). I agree that WSS has a more believable love story. They meet at the dance, and then just make plans to meet at her shop, not to get married. Sure, they have the symbolic wedding, but I took that as just youthful playfulness confessing their feelings for each other, but I never understood it that they were already ready to live together and make babies. Here's a question - does Maria forgive Anita for lying to Doc and Tony that Maria was dead? What happens with their relationship?