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Naughty Nelly Nutmeg

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Everything posted by Naughty Nelly Nutmeg

  1. Hi, I'm Scott Auckerman. You probably remember me from such public service announcements as "Why it's ok for me to sleep with my step-sister" and "How to get away with breast-feeding into your teens".
  2. Every time I take a shit I ask the toilet "Can you smell what my ass is cooking?" And I have yet to get a reply.
  3. As Abraham Lincoln once said "If you are a racist, I will attack you with the North."
  4. From chronic to collapse -- town and into now (respictively, that is) this is R.U. Talkin' R.E.M R.E. me? A comprehensive compendium of all things R.E.M.
  5. THE RED COATS ARE COMING!! THE RED COATS ARE COMING!! Just a heads up for next fall's big ticket item. Come on down to Big Bob's Coat-porium for free samples.