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Tough Shit Elliot

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About Tough Shit Elliot

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  1. They say you can't throw your granny off a bus, but just you fuckin' watch me, grandpa!
  2. It might sound corny, but me so horny, so no need to warn me if you want to forni'.
  3. Catch you later, Alligator. In a while, other Alligator.
  4. Get out of my car, and into my cream.
  5. I will show you fear in a handful of dust, now show me that rockin' bust .
  6. Euripides’ Shorts? How about Euripideez nuts.
  7. Catch you later, Alligator. In a while, other Alligator.
  8. Get out of my car, and into my cream.
  9. I will show you fear in a handful of dust, now show me that rockin' bust .
  10. Euripides’ Shorts? How about Euripideez nuts.
  11. Catch you later, Alligator. In a while, other Alligator.
  12. Thanks Tom Hanks for Frank's dank tank spanks.
  13. My humps, my humps, my humps are a sign of a serious medical problem.
  14. We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
  15. If asses and butts were candy and nuts, my mouth sure would taste a whole lot different.