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Everything posted by Born2Bukkake

  1. I dreamt of golden fountains dividing chocolate mountains. I saw them rushing, flushing down in waters underground.
  2. Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? Clap clap clap, clap your hands? Thank you, I see you now.
  3. Face the nation and never turn your back on the ocean.
  4. Hairy Carrie was so hairy that she used her Katana to shave. If she didn't, she said, she would die from the shame.
  5. He said, she said, but believe you me. It's us against them, this, that and the other.
  6. To the moon, Alice. I just know you'll endure my abuse and become an astronaut.
  7. Vanderpump rules, Gryffindor drools.
  8. Tik Tok and you don't stop. You're always on that app and you barely have time for our children.
  9. Live and let die, bread and let fry. Cook time: 8 years.
  10. No beach ban can stop the Sun Block Clan. Hand-in-hand they'll steal your tan.