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Al Tanferd

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Everything posted by Al Tanferd

  1. Gimme a tattoo and gimme it quick! I want the word “speedy” on the tip of my dick! ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY CROC DOCKERMAN
  2. Little baby burger boy, bumping booty jams. Romping, stomping, all night long, until he shit his pants. ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCRONY COCKSERMAN
  3. Toilet paper is scarce. Skyrocketing pricies! Ive been wiping my butt with kraft singles slices! ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCOTTY OX!
  4. If snitches get stitches, do kisses get Swiss piss?
  5. To pee or not to pee, that is transgression.
  6. I was told my face looks like deep fried chilli fries by some polite youngsters. What do they know!
  7. In the future, cyber-sex will be when you bone in the back of your Tesla Cybertruck.
  8. I’ve been told I sleep in a funny place.... My Eddie Murphy Bed.