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Dinky Squatsabudge

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About Dinky Squatsabudge

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  1. Wearing an onion on your belt is now out of fashion, Sally.
  2. I started minding my own business back in 2004, and I have to say, I recommend it.
  3. Cars can fuck your dad. What do you think he's been doing in the garage all these years?
  4. I'd like to say we aren't that stupid, but then I look back at my friends trying to climb an electric pole and I see your point.
  5. That's alotta nips babe, a whole lot of nipples...
  6. Psssshhh. I could do that if I were him.
  7. Some of these submissions are gold, some are trash, let’s hope you find one at least as good as the last episode of M.A.S.H. which set ratings records and affected New York City plumbing.
  8. I wish I worked as hard on my work as I do on my hard on.
  9. I can’t remember if this is something I came up with, or if I found it online while I was high. Anyway, sorry if I took your username.