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Everything posted by MrMagoo'sDifficultSecondAlbum

  1. I only eat sensitive toothpaste and now none of my bones give a shit.
  2. Some people say I'm the life of the party, others point out I pissed on the dog.
  3. I saw mommy kissing Santa Monica, but you don't hear me bragging about it.
  4. Peanut butter and jelly don't go together, your tongue is just humoring your laziness.
  5. If there's one thing that puts me off having sex, destroy it immediately and unleash my doomsday fuck machine.
  6. Is that a nun in your pocket, or are you just fucking a penguin?
  7. Dunston can check in any time he likes, but HE CAN NEVER LEAVE.
  8. You could teach Billy Ray Cyrus to detect Coronavirus, but I just don't think he'd understand.
  9. The Beatles were wrong, Sergeant Pepper's the walrus, and he's staging a military coup-coup-ca-choo