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Everything posted by Burritofeet

  1. If your Joel Mchale talks for more than 5 hours consult your doctor about euthanasia.
  2. My wife and I wrote a poem about Jason Alexander. It was a co-stanza
  3. Why don't you cry me a liver?! I need a transplant and don't have insurance.
  4. Slide to the left, slide to the right, rip off your skin with all your might
  5. Neither Rain, nor sleet, nor skeet from beaten meat makes jack a dull boy
  6. The myth of the killer clown was propagated on the coattails of stranger danger and the satanic panic. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than be murdered by a clown. With that said, now will you get in my trunk?! *honk honk*
  7. Good news! My dad told me he loves Gonzo. Bad News! He wasn’t talking about the muppets
  8. I like my music like I like my ladies: bare-naked
  9. The real pandemic was the friends who gave us COVID along the way
  10. I'm watching Anthony Andersen high and I ain't gonna lie, he's starting to look like a snack-ish
  11. 1 out of 10 dentists recommend you SHOULD bite off more than you can chew
  12. Gotta fuck up, gotta get fucked Gotta get home before the moanin' cumz
  13. If a Basquiat goes to auction and there isn't anyone to watch Lars Ulrich get drunk does it actually get sold?
  14. Armie Hammer don’t hurt em’
  15. U.S. Army in the streets, Armie Hammer in the sheets
  16. An insurrection is done by an insurgency said the incestuous surgeon inconspicuously
  17. Give a man a fist and you fist him for a day; teach a man to fist and you fist him for a lifetime.
  18. Burritofeet

    Fuck Nazis

    Fuck Nazis
  19. I was vacuuming my apartment when I had a great idea. It turned out to be a pro-lapse in judgement.
  20. I'm not pro-lapse, but I respect a persons right to choose
  21. David Byrne yearns for a squirming worm urn, while Laura Dern makes another confusing David Lynch film
  22. A Gygax climax is an Orcgasm
  23. Time is an illusion and existence is a prison. Happy birthday Grandma!
  24. Glove is patient, glove is kind. It does not fit, you must acquit.
  25. Once, twice, three times a four -- that's twelve.