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Posts posted by maarow

  1. I love how people who don't like this episode are so eager to learnedly discourse on why it "didn't work." I guess all those comments about how hilarious it was are just from folks who don't have the solid academic grounding in comedy theory that those enlightened scholars have.

    Or maybe it's just the Internet and "I didn't care for it" immediately translates to "It objectively sucked! Grr I'm so mad!" Get over yourselves.

    Anyway. Why do I bother reading through the comments? This episode is an instant classic for me, definitely making my Top 5. I listened to the first half at 4 am and was genuinely afraid I'd wake up my roommates with my incessant chortling. Chelsea's character work was divisive but I found it hilarious. And I love Harris's Foam Corner...the stunned, incredulous, almost horrified silences following his readings crack me up every time.

  2. I love how people who don't like this episode are so eager to learnedly discourse on why it "didn't work." I guess all those comments about how hilarious it was are just from folks who don't have the solid academic grounding in comedy theory that those enlightened scholars have.

    Or maybe it's just the Internet and "I didn't care for it" immediately translates to "It objectively sucked! Grr I'm so mad!" Get over yourselves.

    Anyway. Why do I bother reading through the comments? This episode is an instant classic for me, definitely making my Top 5. I listened to the first half at 4 am and was genuinely afraid I'd wake up my roommates with my incessant chortling. Chelsea's character work was divisive but I found it hilarious. And I love Harris's Foam Corner...the stunned, incredulous, almost horrified silences following his readings crack me up every time.

  3. Brian Regan
    Dane Cook (c'mon, you wouldn't be interested in that episode?)
    More Reggie Watts (always strange and hilarious)
    Maria Bamford
    Jen Kirkman
    Sean Conroy
    Kristen Schall
    Vanessa Ragland
    More Paul F. Tompkins (he's just that good)

    CBB has a great format for non-comedians to join the fun, and from that category I'd like to hear:
    Billy West (voiceover artist)
    Maurice LaMarche (somebody on The Apple Sisters forum suggested him as Orson Welles, that would be funny)
    Neil Gaiman
    Guillermo del Toro
    Rick Sloane (director of disasterpiece Hobgoblins)
    Paul Thomas Anderson (a fan of stand-up, supposedly)
    Kevin Smith (considering the digs Scott has taken at him, it would be nice to see them getting along)

  4. I feel compelled to address this fallacy that the OP's original post was respectful. Is our collective opinion of Internet posters so low that we automatically praise any contrarian who does not succumb to cheap name calling and immature hyperbole? The OP arrogantly assumes the mantle of the Ultimate Arbiter of all podcasts by attempting to pass off her judgment as fact (definitively calling the show a "rare miss" and declaring with such condescension that it "just isn't there yet") and proceeding to lay out her personal conditions by which, should they be fulfilled, the show will evolve into something worthwhile (in whose invaluable estimation? hers of course!). Attempting to ransom a podcast with your approval is not respectful, constructive criticism; it's self-important stupidity disguised in superficially polite language. "You'd better do what I say, podcast, or I won't be your friend!"

    Although I would also like to say I do not support the retaliation in which Laura is called "mentally challenged" and if I were the Apple Sisters (which I'm not, believe me, my singing is atrocious) I wouldn't want that breed of fan. Sort of like the guy in the audience who thinks he's helping the comedian when he calls a female heckler a cunt.
