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Posts posted by paulscheer

  1. Are we temporarily on a Monday release schedule or will next pair come out of Fridays?


    Sorry, I've been slammed. I'm working on a brand new show and between going to Sundance and shooting some other shows..I've been having a hard time making deadlines. Like i've said before I'm pretty much a 1 man band. So sometimes I get swamped. I apologized.

    • Like 5

  2. Paul, how do you guys choose the movies to cover on the p-cast?

    P.S. Sorry to hear about your death.


    Thank you for your condolences! I had a good run.


    It's not a simple process, it's a lot of working with Avaryl and Nate and then a have a giant list that I try to pick from. But we are always trying to avoid just mediocre films.

    • Like 6

  3. Hey, Paul!


    I hate to be that guy that bombards you with a ton of questions, but I thought of a few others--the first of which is more "you" related than "show" related, so I hope I'm not over stepping my bounds...



    1) I'm sorry if this comes off as pandering, but is there any hope for an Aliens vs Parker follow-up? If not, have you thought of doing any more creator owned comic work? I read the TPB of Aliens vs. Parker about a year ago, and loved it! You have a real knack for writing and I'd really enjoy reading more. Although, if I may be so bold, I did catch one tiny C&O worthy thing in it. Not a big deal or anything, but I thought it was funny considering it was something you've called people out for on the show. ;)

    Whats the C&O?


    Nick and I (My comic writing partner) wrote a few books for Marvel...It's been really fun. We'd love to write more independent books but right now we are focusing a new animated show for Adult Swim.


    2) After an episode has been released, and you run into someone who might have been involved with a movie you've covered, how is it typically received? Has anyone ever been super pissed, or do most people take it for the good-natured fun that it is? Have you ever been surprised by someone's take on the show? Obviously, any specifics are at your discretion.

    The closest call I've had with someone was the director of ALL ABOUT STEVE, he directed an episode of Fresh Off The Boat. Super great dude and I think that because our show is done with positive vibes and not aggressively snarky. We get some leeway. And mostly the people involved on "bad" movies often know it and just can't admit it publicly.

    • Like 8

  4. I completely understand why you have not yet done a non-English language film, but would you ever consider doing one? Like if it was spectacularly bad regardless of whether or not you understood the dialog.


    Hmm...That might be tough. I'm open to it but it would have to really something special

    • Like 4

  5. Have you ever had to abandon a planned movie at the last minute for any reason (e.g. too bad, or just not right for the show)?


    EDITED TO ADD: What was it?


    It was that Tyler Perry Movie that we made Scott watch but we switched to Sharknado

    • Like 7

  6. Bald people are threatening to the "haired" - we present them a grim look into their potential future. They might view us as villains but we are just people at peace with ourselves. So they have to attack us.


    Re: Fave - Statham & The Rock...Pretty much the entire cast of the Fast & Furious Films and JK Simmons.


    Re: Andre - He saw a technological advancement in hair and he took it. He's a coward.

    • Like 10



    We all love these forums thanks for keeping them going so strong. We are always looking for ways to do things better so I'm always down to hear opinions. Sadly I couldn't figure out how to add a Selleck GIF in my last post but I would have.


    So a big "no" on voting, I think you are all right about this. We tried to do it before and I never really checked it.


    Re: Streets of Fire - it's a not a Musical but it's a Rock N Fable which is kind of a musical. So I think it counts. Because a rock and Roll Fable is closer to a musical than it is an action movie.


    Re: Forum I think the forum could really be related to anything around the show -- Pretty much anything but, "When are you going to do (BLANK) movie?", "Will you have on (BLANK GUEST)?" and any silly question that would be posted in a FB Q&A . That might be a good start.

    • Like 5

  8. Hey Everyone


    Just saw these comments. Just wanted to add my two cents.


    1.) Blake has never dictated an article. I always pick movies with Avaryl (Movie Bitches) and Nate - they often have seen them before and we try to find stuff that will breed an interesting conversation and be fun and different. But back to Blake after the movie is picked I tell him what we are doing. His approval isn't a consideration for me. Truly it's not. Sometimes he can't get that many people from the films like Death Spa and FF.


    2.) These are companion pieces that are posted on a film site - if you really wanted to hear some inside stories - you can read them. But they aren't exclusive to enjoying the show. I think they are fun to read but it's not a must and you aren't missing anything if you don't. It's like a DVD commentary track - if you choose to listen you can but you don't have to. I don't.


    3.) The mini eps and the articles are purely separate, I like reading a little something from them at the top of the mini but it's just a about a minute. What I pick to read in a mini has NOTHING to do with what was or was not covered in Blake's article. I think once or twice I've joked shamed people and sometimes I know that a thoroughly researched answer is in the article and I'll point to it. But that's it. I'm pretty much a one man band and combing through pages and pages of posts - I definitely gravitate to ones that have really crazy theories and point a finger at stuff we missed or talk about something that I didn't realize. Backstage stuff is less interesting to me unless it's really mindblowing. I just think the other types of posts are more entertaining. Also I try to pass the ball a bit and not read 3 posts from the same person. Most people aren't on the board, I try to make the minis engaging for those who don't post and if they are interested they can read themselves.


    4.) Re: Canon Films. I think they are fun. We aren't doing them exclusively. We try to move it around and we get into different territories. For awhile people were upset with 80's movies. So we movies to 90's for 2. Now we are

    Going to musicals for 2. We just find what's the most fun and chase it down. Same reason we picked Star Wars because it was something different and it seemed right.


    I love feedback. I love that you all listen and I'm bummed I almost missed this. Maybe I should set up a forum just for questions and maybe figure out how to get a vote system started for movies.


    Thanks for this all.

    • Like 7

  9. Hey Everyone


    Just a quick update about GRAMMAR-GATE!


    Yes, we realized there was a grammar error. Unfortunately we didn't realize it until after the 8PM on Saturday night. All of us missed it at first, Jason, June, The Designer, The T-Shirt Printer, 2 Interns and Me.


    In between shows I started to get a plan in motion to swap out the shirts for the correct version. I spent most of the day on set trying to make it right. Thankfully the way we are producing these shirts is on a produced by order basis. So it's not like we are stuck with a room full of misprinted T's. Our designer fixed the image. Then we held all the orders, replaced the shirts, and now we taking the orders off hold. It looks like it's all good for orders that were made yesterday.


    So everyone that ordered will be getting the shirt with the correct Grammar (except 1 person). His/Her shirt was processed before we were able to catch it. So he/she has the rare misprint.


    Thanks to everyone for being cool about this error. Apparently we only recieved 2 emails about it. Which I'm relieved about. Thanks for your patience.


    We wanted to do something special for all of you that listen to the show- so this has really been a labor of love on our part setting up this shop learning about Printful and Big Cartel and putting this all together in our spare time. I think we make like .88 cents per shirt, so just know thins't about $$ we just wanted to make it because we thought it was fun and I love the design too.


    I know there was hesitation here on the board about buying it with the incorrect grammar. So I'm here to assure you it's fixed.


    So buy away




    Thanks again, you are all the best listeners in the podcast world.




    (I'm sure their are Grammar mistakes in this email and I'm okay with it)

    • Like 10

  10. Ugh.


    I typed it into Google and here it is - it came right up.


    A predisposition is a tendency to do something. If you know you have a predisposition toward getting carsick, better to plan ahead and avoid eating before a long drive. Things could get ugly.




    the fact or condition of being predisposed :

    a predisposition to think optimistically.


    • Like 9

  11. Hey Everyone,


    Just a Quick Clarification...The release dates haven't changed. The actual schedule is supposed to be Fridays for both. The Minis getting released later have really been due to an insane shooting schedule, I've been dealing with and I've been a bit swamped during the week. So a few have come out later than they were supposed to. It should get back on track. I figured it's better to hit the Big Ep dates then push them too.



    • Like 18

  12. Hey Everyone,


    Thanks for all your awesome well wishes. You are all the best listeners in the entire podcast world.


    I know 99.9% of you totally get where we are coming from but I just want to be clear the cut down in episodes is a temporary thing...We're currently trying to bank a bunch beforehand. Hopefully we'll be back to normal soon but since we don't know exactly when we are having the kid (Could come early, late, or right on time) We want to cover our bases and not go unexpectedly dark, so we are starting this a pre-emptive measure. Basically this is our attempt to deliver the show consistently and the way we want to do it, with the 3 of us. So thanks for being understanding and I guarantee that we'll be doing some cool content during this period, including NEW episodes.


    But now I will share the only negative reaction I got this news and it really made me laugh.



    Anonymous Anonymous


    Message Body:

    As someone who use to donate monthly to this podcast, and support it by signing up for the "advertisements" listed on the website I regret to say I will no longer be doing this. With the announcement that the shows will be cut back because they are having a child almost seems like a slap in the face of the fans. Is it hard to hire a baby sitter for an hour or two? As they are both actors they will already have to more then likely hire a nanny as I doubt they'll be bringing their child on set with them when they film their TV series, or do other engaging things as actors. This is the equivalent to someone having a child and telling their boss their going to cut their hours down by half, how much of an asset is that person to their job now? I LOVED this podcast, it was easily one of the best podcasts out there. But only having a single podcast(mini episodes don't count since its just ad's and reading non sense questions off of Facebook) is death to any podcast, and shows a lack

    of interest of that podcast. It's one thing to have it be a hobby of yours, but if that was the case there wouldn't be advertising non stop, and merchandise for sale. I'm all for being compensated for talent and time, don't get me wrong on that. But either you're in, or you're out, and it seems like they have one foot in and one foot out. Great they might be starting a new podcast! But we don't want a new podcast, we like HDTGM, and the format offered. This just seems like some horrible idea of offering something that'll stop fans from jumping ship. It just doesn't seem worth it paying monthly for something that's being cut in half, and I doubt I'm the only one feeling this way. Thanks for the hours of entertainment, but in this day and age when there's thousands of quality podcasts, you need to give it %100 not %50.


    I don't even want to address the concerns above but I will because I'm bored and the fact the listener didn't sign his/her name means I can't address them directly.


    1.) Re: "Telling their boss they are going to cut their hours down by 1/2" - I guess this person has never heard of maternity leave?


    2.) Re: "Mini's don't count" -- SAD FACE EMOTICON -- Also I think the ratio of ads to content in those is pretty light, about 1 minute of pre-roll and about 30 minutes of commercial free time. THat's better than JackFM!


    3.) Re: New Podcast -- Nothing is replacing HDTGM but we've talked in the past about trying something along the lines of the guest-less episodes of Nerdist and thought this could be a fun thing to try. If we all took that advice to stick with one format than you'd never get cool spin-off shows like Analyze Phish, Dead Authors Podcast, James Bonding, and basically Kevin Smith's whole network)


    4.) 100% vs 50% -- My response is take your own advice if you want to write a dicky email sign it with your actual email don't be a 50% dick be a 100% one.


    Anyway..Let HULKMANIA begin!

    • Like 16


    I messed up...First of all, thanks for the responses on this online voting system, but it seems like EARWOLF people have to be clued in. Shannon, you seem to have the database but there are so many different systems floating around so can we email all ideas to the info below, Gabe at Earwolf will be helping implement this.


    So please email howdidthisgetmade@earwolf.com -- Subject line "MOVIE VOTING SYSTEM"

  14. Shannon, if you have the full list, I trust you to run with this -- it seems like Survey monkey is the best or do you think the Google Doc is the way to go...All I think is need is a way to add new titles to the list and not have people over run the voting process. I'm in your hands people. You set it up. I'll announce it and draw everyone to it

  15. Hey everyone just so you know we didn't make any money from talking to Lennon and Jess about BFFs. (also just FYI none of us have ever seen a dime from this podcast from advertising) We do it because it's fun and we like it. That's that.


    Jess and Lennon are just really old friends of ours from UCB that got an amazing opportunity to make a network TV show on their own terms and we wanted to let people know about it. Plus it's really funny and good. See the reviews.


    The mini episodes are a chance to do whatever we want. We are still trying to figure out how to expand them to add more content. It had the same format as a regular mini and you could have turned it off after the trailer and it would have been just like normal. We'd never do it in a regular episode and this is a cool way to try something different. Basically you didn't lose anything only gained 14 minutes of more content.


    Regardless. I love reading comments.

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  16. It's true these DIRECTORS COMMENTARY episodes are more interviews and less of our regular rants. I see the benefits in both. However I thought Greg told some AMAZING tales that I've never heard and really gave you a lot of insight on the making of this wonderful disaster. Also Robin you are right, Greg couldn't get too into detail as his book publisher needed him to be selective with the stories that he told. Suffice to say the stuff we heard off air will make an amazing book.
