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Posts posted by Podricast

  1. I'll probably try it out now that it's on Android, but I'd still prefer premium RSS feeds. I spent more time than I'd like to share customizing my podcast app to work the way I like it.


    Agreed, premium RSS feeds (like nnf for example) would be very appreciated. I just don't think the howl app will ever compete with any dedicated podcast app's functionality

  2. Scott's IFC show is as perfect as it can be given the limited timeslot in my opinion...I really am only annoyed at IFC (a tiny bit)


    Does anyone think IFC kind of spoils too many jokes in their preview during the commercial breaks?


    2 that come to mind are the murder of michael cera and last nights being discovered by a giant...in both cases those would have been much funnier if IFC didnt just spoil them, and i kind of dont get the point, because they are showing these clips to people who are currently watching the show...its almost like they think they need to show something shocking and crazy to keep the audience...


    anyway, just my two cents...does this bother anyone else when IFC does that, or am i just being a stickler?

  3. Gelman mentioned on who charted (i think?) about wanting products to sell relating to gelmania


    i think i would like to select the perfect gelmania merch....


    Gelmania Hair Gel




    Bret Hair Gelmania


    i think these are perfect...i personally am bald, but would purchase this product for toe hair

  4. so this week, i bought humanitis and wait theres more..i already had good one, so ive now heard all three of these albums...

    i just wanted to say thank you to the Prof Blastoff crew for coming together on earwolf and doing this podcast. Not only is the podcast hilarious every week, but without it, i may have never listened to your albums which are also hilarious

    now, lets get on to the real reason i'm here...to rate these albums from best to worst


    theyre all awesome...thanks for the many laughs!
