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Gym Sockerman

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Posts posted by Gym Sockerman

  1. What did carolla do to Todd glass? I already don't care for him I just cant believe anyone would be shitty to Todd.


    There was an episode of Todd's podcast where he recounted his experience on Carolla's show. Can't remember which one it was, but he played a clip and I was furious. Todd is like the most loveable guy ever, why you'd make him the butt of a joke is beyond me.

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  2. First time I've heard Billy. Thrilled that he shat on Adam Carolla right away. That jackass ruined one of my favorite podcasts for me. He was guest hosting on an episode of Hollywood Babylon and within the first few minutes he said that it's naturally, biologically to be disgusted by gay sex.

    Never listened to another episode.

    Then some years later, he treats Todd Glass like shit. Fuck that guy.

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