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Posts posted by Andrew

  1. Very good show, definitely enjoyed the parts where they said my name. Other names, uh, not so much, guys!!!


    Although I think there is a problem with Earwolf's RSS feeds. I got my pro version come through OK, but I think I've also been receiving the pro versions of all the other episodes too? Don't want anyone to get in trouble for this blunder, but seriously, why even pay the so-called engineers if this is the kind of sloppy work they do?

    • Like 4

  2. I think this is another in a long line of examples that show how much you care about Earwolf. How many other CEOs do you know who would hear a minor complaint about the company and respond with a 1500-word forum post detailing the decisions and ending by asking for forgiveness?!



    Honestly, I zone out or skip through the ads, usually because they're not applicable to me by interest (don't like audiobooks/well-fitted mens chinos) or location (official US postage isn't much use in the UK). I place them into "this is the part where the show pays the bills, ignore for 2 minutes and it'll be back to the good part", so I don't care about what product is being plugged. The content or product in the ad really doesn't affect my view of Earwolf or the hosts, I totally divorce the ads from the show. I also don't "trust" the hosts, I understand it's an ad and they/Earwolf are being paid to read it.


    That said, I totally understand why you wouldn't feel so cynical about your own company's output, and especially when the ads take the form of personal testimonials. "We use Stamps.com here at Earwolf...", "We used Legal Zoom to set up...", etc. I think you're right to take personal opinions out of the equation with Midroll, and put them into the equation with Earwolf. You haven't lost any of my trust here.

    • Like 2

  3. Uh, a little too many goofs this episode. Scott and his guests just needs to take a more reverent approach towards comedy, in my opinion.


    Also, Fieri was on blast in this episode, and the TV show. Plus I'm sure there was a bit a while ago about how Scott hated watching Fieri eat, or something? Will Choctaw and Fieri ever have a "beef over" moment?

    • Like 1

  4. Having seen this in theatres today, I can strongly recommend this film.


    Basic concept is Sly Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger team up to break out of prison.


    Every plot point results in a "wait, what? WHY?!"


    50 Cent plays a "techno-thug".


    Arnold pulls a mounted gun from a helicopter and fires it in slow-motion.


    Sly jerry-rigs a SEXTANT.


    This is the quintessential HDTGM? movie.

  5. Love the running "watch yourself counsellor" and "tis a consummation devoutly to be wished" running jokes. But one little quibble: PFT seems to think 'consummation' means 'situation', but it means 'ending'. This is literally the biggest issue in podcasting right now!

    • Like 2

  6. OK, this is hugely trivial, but...


    What happens when an ad break is taken? Do the hosts and guests sit in silence while the ad plays in real-time, or are they faded out and chat amongst themselves? Or does the engineer just mark an edit point and put in the advert clip later?

    • Like 1

  7. OK, well you asked for questions...!


    Kind of an open-ended one, but... how does an Earwolf show get off the ground?


    Does a comedian approach you with an idea? Or have you brainstormed a load of ideas ("Ripping on movies! Dungeons and Dragons!"), and pitch them to people you think might be interested?


    Do the hosts arrange the guests? Or is that done by an Earwolf employee?


    How long does it take to perfect a show - how many 'drafts' does a potential show go through?


    How many shows do you like to have banked at any one time? Or do you only bank shows when you know about upcoming holidays/tours, etc?


    A year or two ago I remember you saying something like Nerdist, WTF, etc wasn't your competition; your competition was TV, movies, music... Do you still feel that's the case?


