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Posts posted by Pezzatron

  1. As has been said already, I think we may be approaching the natural end of Blastoff. It feels absurd, welcoming the end of something that has given you so much joy for so long. But like an old family pet, you'd rather see it conclude its journey being something like it used to be, not a shadow of its former self.

  2. Is it just me or is David getting fed up with this podcast?


    Yea, I get that feeling too, and to be honest at this point I wouldn't mind if he left the podcast. He seems so at odds these days with Tig and Kyle's riffing.


    I went back and listened to the big foot episode featuring Doug Benson and it was like listening to a different person.

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  3. Glad to see I'm not the only one with misgivings about the guest. I know its a kind of serious topic but he just seemed to suck all the fun out of the room. Though seeing that his wife passed away makes me empathise, perhaps a comedy podcast isn't the one for him.
