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AM Gems

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Posts posted by AM Gems

  1. This is without a doubt the worst Plugs theme ever submitted to the Earwolf forums.


    Brennan, if you possess even a modicum of dignity, you will dump the accordion, ukelele, and toy xylophone into the nearest river and never mention music again.


    But what if I can't find a river? Should I just continue making horribly twee ukelele bullshit, or should I commit suicide by strangling myself with my quirky accordion which I don't actually know how to play? (the xylophone I'm actually a master at, but people daily tell me that murder is the thing they'd like to do to me when they hear me play it)

  2. OK. Obviously I meant to post this in the Catchphrase forum. Is there a way I can delete this?


    ps - I do not welcome your criticism. I am so fucking embarrassed. HAVE YOU SEEN 12 YEARS A SLAVE?! Anyway, it's pretty great, but boy-howdy: it ain't no 'Love, Actually'-type feel-good romp, I tell you! It is in fact slightly less romantic. I literally do not know what I'm saying.
