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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper


    #ff this w/ your ears! RT @TotallyLaime: Super fun new ep up w/smarty-funny-pretty pants @KateSpencer! Check it: http://t.co/NJE4BPtG


  2. Dear Mr. Coffee, FLUSH-ABLE FILTERS.Your welcome.

  3. this weekend, my in-laws are going to ask me to lead prayer at dinner because "you know, he's church-y. He believes that stuff."

  4. Trying to come up with a clever thing to call people who tune in to my podcast. Really leaning towards, "listeners."

  5. I wish I had a microphone and a giant radio so I could yell to everybody in the world what a stupid father I have. - my 6yo just now.

  6. iCarly is at that weird season 4 of Wonder Years phase.

  7. Happy celebration of 13th century Germany's goddess of fertility, Eostra!

  8. Is everybody having a great start to their day dedicated to celebrating 13th Century Germany's goddess of fertility, Eostra?

  9. You guys are all following my extreme awesome wife @MissesRoper right? RIGHT?

  10. The kids are on break this week. I'll be on the internet less. Watch for a new Stay at Home Dadcast tomorrow!

  11. So a few weeks ago, Gracie jumps up on my bed and bounced with her knees on my laptop. The screen has been broken ever since. Today, Connor got back from the basketball court and has successfully shattered the iphone we share. Note to self, stop trying to own nice things.

  12. Feel free to Like the Stay at Home Dadcast on Facebook anytime, you guys. http://t.co/qXoZ36TK

  13. Autism Awareness Month continues on the Stay at Home Dadcast with episode 21 - Autism and Parenting. http://t.co/RzvGkcUL

  14. WIFE: What would you think about having another baby? ME: You've met our kids right? WIFE: Yeah, that's why I want a do-over.

  15. Being walked in on while you are mid-wipe in the batroom = parenting.

  16. Listen: I talk about the complicated dynamics of parenting a child with #aspergers along with other typical children. http://t.co/RzvGkcUL

  17. I'll be talking with Matt Besser a little later today for the podcast. Should be a great chat. Also hoping that my kids don't burn down the house while I'm on the phone.

  18. Talking with Matt Besser today for the podcast. Hoping that my kids don't burn down the house while I'm on the phone.

  19. This is going to be comedy gold on Pinterest. http://t.co/Hbcu8Old

  20. Facebook notified me of a new message. Click the red notifier but there's nothing new. Time for me obsess about this all day and continually refresh my screen.

  21. Why is everybody spelling @JimGaffigan's name wrong with this "Jabar Gaffney" trending topic?

  22. Having my 13yo babysit the other 3 kids while run small errands around town makes me feel like Ferris Bueller.

  23. Leave a review in itunes? C'mon! http://t.co/yUssshR7
