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About ChaseRoper

  • Rank
    Longtime Listener, One Time Contributing Blogger
  • Birthday 11/02/1979

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  • Location
    Tacoma, WA
  • Favorite Earwolf Podcast
    Comedy Bang Bang
    The Earwolf Challenge (remember that?!)

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  1. hey who pooped on those leaves?
  2. ChaseRoper

    Episode 245 β€” Poehler Ice Caps

    What are you even talking about!? PFT's Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber is SPOT ON.
  3. ChaseRoper

    Episode 245 β€” Poehler Ice Caps

    Unrelated to this episode, last night my wife was reading a horoscope out loud and mentioned that one of our kids' sign governs the stomach and thorax. I said that I didn't think people had a thorax to which my 14yo replied, "I've heard of the Lorax, but the thorax!?" I have the best kids.
  4. I mean, I've heard of Breaking Bad but Breaking PHONES?
  5. ChaseRoper

    Episode 70 β€” Gymkata: LIVE!

    I like when our hero is told "No guns are allowed in Parmistan. If they find a gun on you, they will cut your head off." Hey, not if he HAS A GUN.
  6. ChaseRoper

    What's the Weather?

    Awesome. I don't think I know you but I never go out to clubs or do anything fun. So that might be why. Mostly cloudly but might clear up to be a nice summer day!
  7. ChaseRoper

    What's the Weather?

    I thought it would be really helpful if we had a place on the internet to get more weather updates. Each week we know what the weather was like in L.A. at the time of the CBB recording but what about other places in the world? How are we supposed about the weather somewhere else?! So each day, come on here please and share your location and weather. I'll start. Olympia, WA. A few clouds outside but mostly blue skies and sunshine.
  8. ChaseRoper

    Help! I don't like the music my son is listening to!

    Update: He's 14 now and I bought him and his friends tickets to Warped Tour for his bday in May so I guess I gave up on this.
  9. My new catchphrase suggestions never get picked so I've killed myself. Bye.
  10. ChaseRoper

    Episode 62 β€” Joyful Noise

    The sunglasses for the kid with Aspergers makes sense but the movie didn't do ANYTHING to explain why. It might have been on accident like you guys suggested. My son has Apsergers and a key component for a lot of people on this end of the autism spectrum live with different sensory sensitivities Certain sounds, over stimulation, fabrics or lighting (especially flourescent) bothers them. We have a special plan in place with my son's school that includes allowing him to wear sunglasses in the building and during if he feels like he needs to. I don't think there was anything in the movie that did a good job of explaining this kid's Aspergers or even that they got it right, but I just thought I'd share and educate a little!
  11. When the topic of imaginary friends came up and Scott asked about MTJ having one, I hoped with all my heart that MTJ would have revealed that he is in fact Scott's imaginary friend.
  12. Anybody want to join my new jazz/ hip hop band?
  13. ChaseRoper

    Tonx coffee sponsor

    Just got my free sample delivered today. Ground it for espresso and made an iced Americano. It is fantastic. Using the Bangbang promo code and getting the subscription!
  14. ChaseRoper

    Living with mental illness

    Bullstation, I hate to also sound cliched but this just sounds real tough and I'm sorry your family going through this. I wish I could offer some sort of advice or resource for you. Hopefully you also have a close friend or two that you can talk to you. Just using someone who will listen to your frustrations and validate what you are feeling can be a help for me often. If want one more person like that, email me at chase.roper@gmail.com and I'll send you my phone number!
  15. You know what they say, no one likes to hear you toot your own horn because you are a horrible trumpet player.