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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. getting ready to take the kids to the playground. Going to try to enjoy this gorgeous day. I'll back to unwarranted pessimism tomorrow!

  2. god DAMMIT! // @jamiedenbo Don't forget to change your clocks back on Sat night! (the night where all parents collectively go "AW COME ON!")

  3. God damn all you Mad Men spoiling assholes. I'm unfollowing all of you.

  4. GOD: I am going to make females the most exquisite and temptingly beautiful thing in all creation. HEAVENS:... http://t.co/lAl96M7g

  5. Going to check out Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" but in my mind will replace instances of "smoking" with "internet porn."

  6. Going to poker night with the guys. Quick question: how many cards do I need to win poker?

  7. Going to stage a fake lice inspection on 13yo tonight. A fake positive will result in him getting his hair cut immediately. Good #parenting?

  8. Going to take the kiddos to the Hands On Children's Museum around noon today!

  9. Goldilocks was an entitled spoiled little brat who should have been eaten by those bears.

  10. Good bye, Kathi Goertzen - The Pacific NW (and the world) lost a remarkable woman today who fought and BEAT... http://t.co/LayGgkFb

  11. Good morning early risers!! Head on over to iTunes for the latest Stay at Home Dadcast! I talk with John Ross Bowie (Big Bang Theory, Glee). Great episode!

  12. Good morning everybody! Who's drinking a million cups of coffee today? http://t.co/vaJnYfuFW7

  13. Good news parents! It's never too early to get your daughters ready for the pole! http://t.co/DmWxSKuT

  14. Good night everyone! And other forced enduring statements sent out in effort to get empty @ replies! (cc: @everytweet_ever)

  15. GOP, the best you guys will be able to come up with is Mitt Romney and he hasn't even won over your entire party. Face it, you're getting another term with President Obama. Let's at least make it productive and not all "let's get this birth control issue resolved and stop all gay people from doing anything." If women keep using birth control and keep exercising their own choices over their reproductive systems and gay people keep getting married, our country will be just fine.

  16. Got the kiddos cupcakes today to stave off guilt over taking @missesroper to the fair later without telling/taking the kids.

  17. Grab my humorous ebook PLUS the entire back catalog of The Stay at Home Dadcast for $5. Please check it out and share! http://t.co/ZElxTvfc

  18. Grabbing a bite and a drink with my favorite person!

  19. Great show tonight.

  20. Great news! Pledging $1 is an option! http://t.co/manUufP6 26 days left to meet my goal. Help my podcast please.

  21. Great, now hipsters are going to start using it. RT: @MattBesser "Maybe you should try decaf?" joke - R.I.P.

  22. Guess which Lonely Island song I just got to listen to.

  23. Guess which Lonely Island song I just got to sing!
