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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. Guess which Lonely Island song I just sang.

  2. Guy I met: my wife says you do a blog? Me: actually I produce a podcast. Him: oh what's that? Me: uh, it's like a blog.

  3. Guy in line complaint that the bank is stl closed. I have bad news for you guy. #LaborDay

  4. Guy who likes Harry Nilsson way too much #music https://t.co/EQvSrGyQcs

  5. Guys, I just fell in love my Robot Chicken spec script all over again. Pretentious? Sure. http://t.co/fj3bMg7g

  6. Had a fantastic date night with @misses roper!

  7. Had a great day. Seahawks game with my wifey and got to spend time with my cousins Greg Lenti and Char Lenti! You two are the cat's meows.

  8. Had to re post that last w/ corrected hash tag. Sorry, I'M HUMAN.

  9. Halloween Costume idea: James K. Polk, Werewolf Enthusiast.

  10. Hanging out at the Kids museum with the kids for a bit. Little later than our usual Saturday but we made it!

  11. Happy 4/20 everybody! I'm a grown man with children and have no idea how to acquire or ingest marijuana. But for those of you who do, enjoy skirting your responsibilties today! I mean, drugs are bad kids!

  12. Happy Alt + 210 day.

  13. Happy B-day @Caissie! You are one of my favorite Internet friends. Possibly a fav real life one too. Haven't tested that yet. Happy BDAY

  14. Happy birthday to @BillCorbett! He's made me laugh from my immature adolescent years to my immature adult years!

  15. Happy celebration of 13th century Germany's goddess of fertility, Eostra!

  16. Happy EVIL DEAD Day, everybody! #ashwednesday

  17. Happy Mothers Day to all moms everywhere but mostly to my wife who is THE BEST mom. Our kids are very lucky!

  18. Happy Nerd Day, nerds!

  19. Happy Smothers Day, Smothers brothers!

  20. Happy thanksgiving and good morning from The Ropers! http://t.co/9NdTENU0

  21. Harry Pope And Conclave of Secrets #ReplaceMovieTitlesWithPope

  22. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secretions #JKRowlingAdultNovel

  23. Has anybody written a book called "How to Turn Those Favs Into RTs" yet? Would someone please?

  24. Has anyone written a sketch where a person watches his storage unit get auctioned off on #StorageWars! (cc: @jeffbumgarner1)

  25. Have any news networks reached out to Fred Savage to see what he thinks of homosexuals yet?
