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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. just got an @reply from Tony Clifton. That's one brief email conversation and one @reply during my history on the internet. #winning

  2. this struck a chord today. Photo: http://t.co/OTuIAF3P

  3. In that case - BLOCKED. RT @Writers_Cafe:I don't determine newspaper content - a computer searches my Twitter followers for content.


    #FF @maggieserota because she was born a certain number of years ago. DON'T GET INTO IT.

  5. Sometimes I feel like I have so much to be thankful for. Then both my wife's front tires go flat at work and I remember how much life sucks.

  6. I would never refer to brazil nuts as "n-word" toes but I do refer to saltine crackers as "employed successful people."

  7. L.A.! RT @peteholmez: I keep getting annoying old-timey mail from Abraham LinkedIn. #boom

  8. This game is kind of fun. If you like yahtzee. Whatever. http://t.co/OsqQ6t3r

  9. God damn all you Mad Men spoiling assholes. I'm unfollowing all of you.

  10. Todd Barry shares some of his earliest memories of seeing live stand-up comedy. Audio: http://t.co/6BuqVu2W

  11. Stay at Home Dad Tip: Hot Cups http://t.co/YOTO8tpL

  12. It's the time of year when Dish Network says it's going to drop all of its best channels. Instead of calling to beg, just go DirecTV.

  13. You should try podcasting. RT @jessicacabot: . . .it was nicer when I had no followers because I'm most comfortable with meaningless voids.

  14. Sure, I have a new podcast ep coming up today, but you should also check out Janie and Aaron Does Hollywood w/ @JanieHaddad & @DrLawyercop!

  15. Baaa Baaa was always the black sheep of the family. . . sorry guys.

  16. A lot of my day is spent telling my kids they just ate.

  17. Today I was going to call and record heated conversations with the Phelps’ from Westboro Baptist Church but... http://t.co/PUbLUyJp

  18. I hope you are all following @IamComicMovie. Do it.

  19. Here's a fun game! Scroll through the #CBBtv hash tag and try to guess which questions @ScottAukerman is answering. Fun combinations!

  20. This is the only alcohol in my house. Sad state of affairs indeed. http://t.co/iBcigR6E

  21. If you watched Comedy Bang Bang last night - Atta Boy! If not. . . TSK TSK.

  22. I have decided that from now on, Christopher Lee shall be known Count Wonkuman (@dougbenson) http://t.co/wPv3zpVZ

  23. .@Paula_Deen pretty poor over here. Probs going with a soup for Sunday dinner. Either fish head or old shoe.

  24. There's a real possibility that I'll spend all day watching Say Yes to the Dress.
