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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. Good bye, Kathi Goertzen - The Pacific NW (and the world) lost a remarkable woman today who fought and BEAT... http://t.co/LayGgkFb

  2. The Pacific NW (and the world) lost a remarkable woman today who fought and BEAT brain rumors 3 TIMES. Today, complications from pneumonia ended her journey. She was an institution of an anchor woman and I can’t wait to teach my daughter about her as an amazing role model for women and human beings all around. R.I.P. Kathi

  3. Awesome this dog has now woken up every one of my kids! Who needs/cares about sleep.

  4. When Edgar Allen Poe wrote The Tell Tale Heart, he was thinking of my puppy. I'm about to bury this thing under the floor boards

  5. Photo: Smoothie in a mason jar. Not because of Pinterest but because - no clean cups. (Taken with Instagram) http://t.co/rerkzr72

  6. Kids wanna take a break from hearing the N-Word all day? Try the bouncy panda! Also, great parenting. House http://t.co/v22oyLbU

  7. What do you think will be the best/worst aspects of your day today? http://t.co/SLdbfyHE

  8. Oh man, I forgot my comedy posse! http://t.co/XqInILFu

  9. Anyone know how dub step works? http://t.co/J1wtcT30

  10. My new stage gimmick. I declare myself the King of comedy and then eat a whole BK kids meal. http://t.co/Pe9Ompk4

  11. Paul Ryan's middle name is Saddam.

  12. Eat a few handfuls of Cheez-It snack mix and then take a drink of your iced coffee if you hate your taste buds.

  13. Photo: Kids woke me up 30min ago. #yolo? (Taken with Instagram) http://t.co/L6P37DrH

  14. You can now get my memoir "On Being a Stay at Home Dad" for the mere cost of one tweet! details here: http://t.co/V3uezNM1

  15. Photo: My cat’s name is Dexter and last night was the night. #natureshots (Taken with Instagram) http://t.co/puP3hth3

  16. Photo: I was in my parents’ wedding. Wearing Hello Kitty sandals WTF?! (Taken with Instagram) http://t.co/KLICLuuK

  17. earwolf: New Podcast!: Love, Dad with David Koechner & Jeff UlrichWelcome to the first episode of Love, Dad!… http://t.co/8MZR2nZa

  18. I know Cali had an earthquake and all but my puppy won't go to sleep and I want to MURDER.

  19. Liking this FB page is good for you. http://t.co/qXoUvwKA

  20. The back to school season is upon us! Check out this helpful(?) episode ep of The Stay at Home Dadcast http://t.co/5NQFfZVw

  21. Words cannot express the disdain I have in my life for bedtime.

  22. I just ousted Stewart L. as the mayor of Clearwood Community swimming pool on @foursquare! http://t.co/G6RBSTwI
