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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. About to drink one of these because apparently, I hate myself? #goodmorning http://t.co/KR7xamPB

  2. I'm wearing socks with my shorts and I don't give a shit. #stayathomedad http://t.co/rpi3PbSD

  3. I won't Facebook when I'm mad. I won't Facebook when I'm mad. I won't Facebook when I'm mad. I won't Facebook when I'm mad. I won't Facebook when I'm mad.

  4. I won't tweet when I'm mad. I won't tweet when I'm mad. I won't tweet when I'm mad. I won't tweet when I'm mad.

  5. "I beat Mike Tyson's Punch Out on the first try - no codes." - Paul Ryan.

  6. Ep40 Help! I need to figure how to be more manly so my kids don't laugh at me… http://t.co/VyN7iwHc

  7. I am about to take my 3 kids to their open house at school in 3 separate classrooms - by MYSELF. It was an honor k…

  8. Overheard: Behind the scenes at Safeway Artisan Soup Kitchen - Soup Chef 1: What should we put in this... http://t.co/mNaGNHky

  9. My daughter looks like a mini @JenKirkman. Yeah?

  10. Overheard: BOY1: Swiss Army is the best company is the world. BOY2: Really? BOY1: yeah, their Swiss army knife is bullet proof!

  11. Every single one of my kids are at school right now. At the same time. Life is changing and I need my security blanket.

  12. earwolf: Love, Dad: ObservingThe dads are here to remind you to keep your eyes peeled on this week’s Love, D… http://t.co/98ERYRFX

  13. Ladies - Enough with the owls on everything. Owls aren't cute. They eat mice and poop out of their mouths.

  14. Note to self. Don't forget to try and book @brianpoesehn for the podcast.

  15. “@eccalkins: @ChaseRoper I've seriously considered melting down candy corn and drinking it. . .” You disgust me.

  16. Dear School Buses, SHOW UP WHEN YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO.

  17. I may or may now have booked Andy Kindler for an upcoming episode. (I did) so subscribe to the show so you don't miss out!
